Wondering on my breeds if any of you have these kinds around what age they layed their first eggs? Mine should be any day and I’m so excited it’s like waiting for Christmas morning. I have almost 16 week olds!
Breeds: buff brahmas (I know they are later layers)
Easter eggers
Sapphire gem
Cuckoo maran
Isa brown

Just curious! 🤗
I have one ISA, 2 Golden comet, 2 Buff orpingtons laid their first eggs 18 weeks
I have 3 newbies. 2 Sapphire Gems and a Speckled Sussex all 18 weeks old yesterday. One SG laid her first eggs, yes two, on the 9th exactly a week after she first squatted when I walked by her. The other SG & Speckled Sussex, nothing and not exhibiting any signs yet. The one who laid the eggs, laid a yolk and the white NO shell or membrane at all and then immediately after laid another very soft shelled 2/3 of an egg with yolk and white encased inside the membrane when I was out in the coop with them that afternoon. The next morning I found a crumpled up soft shell clump in the shavings on the floor of the coop. She has acted like she's about to lay every evening since then for short bouts, but nothing has been produced as yet. I am giving her a calcium tablet crushed in wet crumbles. She LOVES it and gobbles it up all the while voicing her excitement. lol It is so funny to hear her 'talk' with her mouth full. :) Still waiting on her system to regulate and start delivering on the regular. I hope the other 2 are not too far off.
Well we’re at almost 20 weeks and still no eggs 😂 I’m guessing I just have to be patient but some of my girls have VERY red wattles and combs and I’m now wondering if they are hiding their eggs somewhere lol I’ve been checking everywhere though and still haven’t come across them so hopefully any day now! I’m wondering if the heat is also playing a part as well?
Well we’re at almost 20 weeks and still no eggs 😂 I’m guessing I just have to be patient but some of my girls have VERY red wattles and combs and I’m now wondering if they are hiding their eggs somewhere lol I’ve been checking everywhere though and still haven’t come across them so hopefully any day now! I’m wondering if the heat is also playing a part as well?
I see your 20 weeks and raise you to 23 lol. 23 weeks and my EE I am convinced are taking their sweet time
My barred rock laid her first egg today at 18 weeks old, unfortunately she laid it from the roost and it got broken. It was a decent size for her first, shell was a bit thin but double yolked. She and the sapphire Splash just started squatting couple days ago so hopefully the Splash is next!


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Wondering on my breeds if any of you have these kinds around what age they layed their first eggs? Mine should be any day and I’m so excited it’s like waiting for Christmas morning. I have almost 16 week olds!
Breeds: buff brahmas (I know they are later layers)
Easter eggers
Sapphire gem
Cuckoo maran
Isa brown

Just curious! 🤗
4 LO, 4 RIB, 3 Wyandottes. They are 19 weeks old and no eggs yet. Its very hot here wondering if that delays things.

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