Aging or Disease?


In the Brooder
Nov 19, 2022
Our oldest duck is 7.5 years. Bucky, our Khaki Campbell. The last few weeks she seems to be walking a little more stiffly and has dropped some weight, feathers not looking as shiny and healthy. Started giving her extra peas and attention, but yesterday she was limping and today can't walk a few steps without sitting down. She is panting here and there but more when we get close to her. She is also nipping at at my teenager who cares for them when he gets close. She went in the water today and is shivering. That's a first time. When we took the 25 ducks and geese for a walk she stayed behind in the pen and for the first time in her life seems to want a little more space from them. We are changing the bedding to make it extra warm and will put water and electrolytes right next to her. Should I treat for illness? Usually my arsenal of supplies cures our random illnesses, but I'm not sure if it's something treatable or simply old age. I've never had ducks of this age before. The rest are 1 or 2. Should I giver her b vitamins on her peas? Or chopped boiled egg. Would you treat with antibiotics, colloidal silver, or anything special? We already use niacin, poultry booster, calcium, and oregano daily. Along with organic egg layer and Kalmbach Duck and Goose. 🥺
At this point, I would isolate her in a crate and make her comfortable. Perhaps try giving her some activated charcoal in case she ingested something toxic.

Is she still laying? Layer food may have too much calcium in it if she isn't, especially if you're supplementing the feed with more calcium.

Alternatively, if she IS still laying perhaps she's egg-bound? Perhaps a warm bath with epsom salts would help, but don't let her drink the water as the salts cause dehydration. Feel around her vent and abdomen to see if you can feel an egg there. If this is what it is, then calcium citrate should be given ( @Miss Lydia , I forgot the one you recommend).

7 seems a bit young for age-related illnesses, but I don't have Khakis and don't know their average life-span only that they are heavy layers which can take a toll on the body.
Calcium Gluconate is what was rec by an avian vet when Amiga had one egg bound. It's a liquid the dose is 1 ml daily until the egg is laid.
You might try some liquid B Complex which has a good amount of niacin in it to help with leg strength. Or Poultry Cell. Both liquids which can be given by mouth.
It's so hard to figure out what can be going on when there isn't something that really stands out so we just try and help the best we can.
How does her poop look? If she is shivering She should be brought inside where she won't be cold if at all possible, plus when a flock member is not well a lot of times the rest of the flock will not be nice to them it's just part of nature to get rid of the one that is weak and may draw in predators.
I hope something we advise will help. Keep us updated please.

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