Air cell before incubating?


Apr 22, 2024

I often notice that some eggs already has small air cell formed during the storing period (not old eggs talking 1-2 days ole eggs) before even putting them in the incubator there's an air cell and some eggs don't have an air cell what does that mean? Does it mean the egg possibly already started developing? (Temp is around 28c) Is it not good to incubate such eggs?
Hello. Yes, some eggs do have small air cells prior to setting for hatch. Perfectly normal. Eggs are porous, which is why we wash when ready to cook rather than when we bring them in. Some eggs get a better bloom and allow less air in/moisture out.
When the egg is inside the hens body before laying it is at the hen's body temperature. And it is full of egg material. After it is laid it cools. As it cools the contents shrink a little and an air cell is formed. The air cell grows over time as the egg loses moisture through the porous shell and air is allowed inside to replace the lost moisture. It does not mean the embryo has started to develop. Different eggs will do that at different rates.

Most people would not be that observant so good for you. But it is perfectly normal, nothing to worry about.

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