Frostranger is correct, they need to be specifically bred for feather sexing to be feather sexed. Even if they are bred for it, they do need to be (I think) at least 6-12 hours old to be accurate, just for some feathers to have time to grow in.I greatly appreciate the insight, especially considering your background and experience. About the only way I know to sex chicks with any accuracy is the wing feather method while they are still fluff balls.
Vent sexing is common, but takes some practice and skill to not hurt the chick. I think there are some videos on Youtube, but I haven't tried it.
I can wait the 3 weeks it takes for secondary sex characteristics to show up.
Some breeds are able to be auto-sexed at hatch, like the barred Plymouth Rock, Bielefelder, Legbar, and Welsummer.