So true, so true.
Between securing the top of the coops/run from hawks and 'opossum and the underneath/bottom from coons, seems endless. Also secure doors/windows/locks.
We mostly have open air for sides (fenced with chicken wire and lots of hardware cloth. Use tarps or wood panels for sides due to inclimate weather. Tin roofs. Everything under trees as much as possible for shading. Ventilation, ventilation, ventilation here on the Gulf Coast due to heat and humidity.
Last year even had to put a big circulating fan in the coop area to move the air around, between the pens, just so I could tolerate working out there with the birds etc.

All of mine is out in the open so a fan in the coop is probably the next order of business. The extended forecast is for 90 degree plus temps in a couple of weeks so I'll have to get off my duff and get busy.

Here is the coop while we were still building. You can see wherw the door is supposed to be. We didn't put the door on. The top triangular shaped holes near the roof are covered in hardware cloth. The pine shakes have aboit 1/4 gap between them. The plans called for chinking which we did not do because I was worried about the heat. I don't have pictures of the roof but its rubberized roofing panels layered toward the back for water run off. The nest boxes are external and hang from the back. I think the coop is great right now and for fall and winter. Just worried about summer. Also planned to have only four pullets and now have 12 total chickens and at least two roos. So I really need more coop spaces anyways. I thought about building an ooen air coop for the geown ups and using the small coop for brooding babies.
The blind is permanant, that end faces west and I lower it in the summer for shade and raise it in the winter for sun. The blue tarp on the end was temporary to shade the waterer that I had in the corner. The waterer has been moved and the tarp is no longer needed.

I have put up tarps on all sides when we had really cold weather (once three or four years ago) and it was surprising to me that it was much warmer inside (due to the heat put off by the birds.) I have left it completely open for the past couple of winters and the birds were fine. They roost up in the rafters where there is protection from rain and wind.

It has been attacked by huge dogs and lots and lots of coons and nothing has gotten in!
I built it strong enough that if I wanted to, I could wall it in and use it for a shop, horse stall, goats, whatever. It started out just the 12x16 with OSB on one end. I added the 8' extension and now I'm thinking of adding on another 12'. Dang chicken math.......

Here is the coop while we were still building. You can see wherw the door is supposed to be. We didn't put the door on. The top triangular shaped holes near the roof are covered in hardware cloth. The pine shakes have aboit 1/4 gap between them. The plans called for chinking which we did not do because I was worried about the heat. I don't have pictures of the roof but its rubberized roofing panels layered toward the back for water run off. The nest boxes are external and hang from the back. I think the coop is great right now and for fall and winter. Just worried about summer. Also planned to have only four pullets and now have 12 total chickens and at least two roos. So I really need more coop spaces anyways. I thought about building an ooen air coop for the geown ups and using the small coop for brooding babies.
Now that sounds like a very good plan! I guess you know about chicken math too

Here is the coop while we were still building. You can see wherw the door is supposed to be. We didn't put the door on. The top triangular shaped holes near the roof are covered in hardware cloth. The pine shakes have aboit 1/4 gap between them. The plans called for chinking which we did not do because I was worried about the heat. I don't have pictures of the roof but its rubberized roofing panels layered toward the back for water run off. The nest boxes are external and hang from the back. I think the coop is great right now and for fall and winter. Just worried about summer. Also planned to have only four pullets and now have 12 total chickens and at least two roos. So I really need more coop spaces anyways. I thought about building an ooen air coop for the geown ups and using the small coop for brooding babies.

Nice coop! I'm going to put external nest boxes on mine, too, but I have a few months before they start laying. This will be my first summer with the new coop and I'm anxious to see how it goes. I wish I had some shade to take advantage of like you have done but my property is open pasture.
Yes I have fallen victim to chicken math. I bought six bo chicks straight run and ended up with five roosters. Gave away three kept two roos one pullet. Wanted six more bo straight run. Breeder had nine left so he gave me the other three. So that makes 12. Twice my original plan! But I love each and every one of them.
The blind is permanant, that end faces west and I lower it in the summer for shade and raise it in the winter for sun. The blue tarp on the end was temporary to shade the waterer that I had in the corner. The waterer has been moved and the tarp is no longer needed.

I have put up tarps on all sides when we had really cold weather (once three or four years ago) and it was surprising to me that it was much warmer inside (due to the heat put off by the birds.) I have left it completely open for the past couple of winters and the birds were fine. They roost up in the rafters where there is protection from rain and wind.

It has been attacked by huge dogs and lots and lots of coons and nothing has gotten in!
I built it strong enough that if I wanted to, I could wall it in and use it for a shop, horse stall, goats, whatever. It started out just the 12x16 with OSB on one end. I added the 8' extension and now I'm thinking of adding on another 12'. Dang chicken math.......
Hahaha, heehee
You are right about the tarps keeping out the cold. I would go hang out with them just to see. Pulled snug, they work very well and again, keep it ventilated. I am starting to sound like a broken record
, but whew, thre ammonia can build up quick!
Yes I have fallen victim to chicken math. I bought six bo chicks straight run and ended up with five roosters. Gave away three kept two roos one pullet. Wanted six more bo straight run. Breeder had nine left so he gave me the other three. So that makes 12. Twice my original plan! But I love each and every one of them.
You're in good company.
Yes I have fallen victim to chicken math. I bought six bo chicks straight run and ended up with five roosters. Gave away three kept two roos one pullet. Wanted six more bo straight run. Breeder had nine left so he gave me the other three. So that makes 12. Twice my original plan! But I love each and every one of them.

I had no intention of winding up with 29 birds but that's what I have. It's gonna be an interesting summer.

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