has anyone gone to the "come play GUESS THAT CHICKEN BREED" thread please come it is fun but we just need more people
I did, really cool birds, but I'm still new and just's all I can do to figure out our cross hatches, heehee, do you look for breeds on site and on line...then paste? I saw that if you guessed correctly, it was your turn to post a bird for others to guess? Is that correct? Would need to do more homework....I'll keep dropping in though....
Great to hear they accepted their new Momma!   :celebrate    
Good idea to get them hydrated and used to eating so they can fend for themselves around the "dinner table",  with the other chickees,  heehee.  ;)   Thanks for your reply.
yes they are doing great! Whenever I brought my 2 roosters in to my breeder she told me she would exchange them and give me 4 chicks to replace them. Well my hubby told me I could only get 2 which I did, well last night he agreeded I should go ahead and get the other 2 incase my current newbies end up being roosters (for the 3rd time!! :/) that way surely at least 2 out of 4 chickens will be girls and that way I don't have to keep starting over and return birds! I can just "give away" any two that end up being roosters or mean when they get older. I would keep them all if they all turned out to be hens but my coop is only big enough for 5 maybe 6 if ones very small :( and since i already have 3 hens that are 4-2 weeks old I am running out of time to keep getting knew babies! anyways hope someone understood this post! I'm excited to be getting 2 more chicks!! Haha It just doesn't stop does it.
I did, really cool birds, but I'm still new and just's all I can do to figure out our cross hatches, heehee, do you look for breeds on site and on line...then paste? I saw that if you guessed correctly, it was your turn to post a bird for others to guess? Is that correct? Would need to do more homework....I'll keep dropping in though....
if you guess correctly it is your turn and you can use the internet for help if you need it
Girls are 17 and 18 weeks old today. I mounted the nest boxes, so they can start paying rent.

They're very vocal now that roo is gone. Just.. chatting, would be te best way to describe it. They're more at ease. Maybe they're looking for him, but I really think they're glad to not be harassed anymore. He was just so rough with them.

I converted the inside of my coop too. I raised the front edge and emptied a whole pack of shavings in it... It was half sweet PDZ and half shavings, but the shavings seemed to work much better... so I wanted it all deep shavings and let it turn to dust rather than sit there kittylitter scooping the sweet PDZ.

Hope they don't mind the remodel

Decided to wait on getting 'magic chickens'. I really don't care to spend $15-20 per bird, especially when I don't -need- any. I'd rather hatch some eggs or get chicks later on.. I am pretty set that we want some colorful birds.. probably even *gasp* mutts. Easter egger mutts. The more colorful the better. Right now we have black, red, white and partridge... the partridge is only visible up close, from a distance they just look red/brown. I want some multi-colored/calico looking birdies!
I have a seven week old duck that was attacked by a coon. I want to treat her but didn't want to start before I had a plan. I have treated injured chickens before but know nothing about ducks. I am not even sure how the wing is supposed to look. The duck is walking around but is not quacking. I wouldn't have even known she was injured if she had been quacking as usual. I lost a couple of birds out of the coop she is in and decided to check her closely because she didn't quack at me. There is a bloody place high on the wing and the lower part is droopy or somewhat floppy. It appears there are feathers, skin, and flesh missing but I didn't take too much time to examine her because she seemed to be getting shocky.

I just want some suggestions from you experienced duck people on how to proceed. My thoughts are to treat her like I would a chicken. Put her in a pet carrier in the garage, keep her as quiet as possible, and treat her wounds with antibiotic ointment. Any other suggestions? I can not take her to the vet, if I can't pull her through this, I will have to put her down.

This pic was taken earlier this week, what kind of duck is she?

How is your duck today?
yes they are doing great! Whenever I brought my 2 roosters in to my breeder she told me she would exchange them and give me 4 chicks to replace them. Well my hubby told me I could only get 2 which I did, well last night he agreeded I should go ahead and get the other 2 incase my current newbies end up being roosters (for the 3rd time!!
) that way surely at least 2 out of 4 chickens will be girls and that way I don't have to keep starting over and return birds! I can just "give away" any two that end up being roosters or mean when they get older. I would keep them all if they all turned out to be hens but my coop is only big enough for 5 maybe 6 if ones very small
and since i already have 3 hens that are 4-2 weeks old I am running out of time to keep getting knew babies! anyways hope someone understood this post! I'm excited to be getting 2 more chicks!! Haha It just doesn't stop does it.
Ruh roh.....sounds like Brie's gotten an early introduction to chicken math!

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