You still haven't said where you got your information and why I am so WRONG?!?.  The layer pellets you are using have extra protein.  Sometimes they are called super layer which is usually given during molting time or  when the need for protein is higher.  Won't hurt to have the little bit extra but not a necessity.  The chick starters I have used have 22-24%.  Grower generally is 18- 20% which is less.  If you are using layer pellets you wouldn't need oyster shells for extra calcium because there is already 3.5% - 4.5% added.  Grit would be better to help digest the scratch so they have a choice without having to add extra calcium, unless your shells have been thin.  Too much calcium can be harmful but not as likely with laying hens.   There are many companies that make starter and layer pellets/crumble.  They won't always be these % so I read the bag and look it up online.   Also paying attention to your chickens is the best way to know if extra calcium or protein is needed.  I am sure that you do, just as I do.  Depending on where you live and how the chickens are raised can also affect their needs.   I have spent a lot of time researching, reading and asking questions before I started raising my chickens and I haven't stopped.  

You can feed your birds whatever you like but don't tell me I'm WRONG?!? unless you have a real reason to back it up.  I welcome new information but just because it's the way you do it doesn't make it the only way.  

My source is experience. Both my own and collectively from a handful of old timers that make you and I both looks like newbs to this.
I live in Moulton, North Central Alabama, Hatching Eggs For Sale,, English Chocolate Bantam Orpington's $40 a Dozen,,,, Black, Blue, Splash LG Fowl Ameraucana $35 a Dozen,,,, Barred Rock Bantams $20 a Dozen,,,, My Jubilee Orpingtons just started laying and I will be selling chicks and hatching eggs from them Also I will sell a few of my True Araucana eggs,
I live in Moulton, North Central Alabama, Hatching Eggs For Sale,, English Chocolate Bantam Orpington's $40 a Dozen,,,, Black, Blue, Splash LG Fowl Ameraucana $35 a Dozen,,,, Barred Rock Bantams $20 a Dozen,,,, My Jubilee Orpingtons just started laying and I will be selling chicks and hatching eggs from them Also I will sell a few of my True Araucana eggs,

Are you npip?
We had a most adventerous day today. I told my DH we could go to the Wood Craft store in Birmingham IF he drove me to a fellow BYC member's house to buy some chicks!!!


We went home with one BEAUTIFUL EE Roo that I am totally swooning over!

AND 10 sweet little three week old mystery chicks. They could be Black Opringtons (which the parent were awesome!), Black Copper Marans, or any kinda mix of those two or EE daddy. We are very excited to see what they end up being.

I and the hubs feel like we made some new friends in the process.

Great day indeed.......

PS. I snap some pix tomorrow. it was dark when we got home.

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