Love him. I am a sucker for pretty roosters!
I have 6" privacy fence too. No idea how they got in. Just found my orps dead and silkies missing in the morning.
Thinking maybe a family of raccoons
That's so sad. I'm sorry you lost them.

Have to think about what can get under that fence too
That's why I have hardware cloth at the bottom. I have netting above, solid fence, hardware cloth along the bottom, a coop with a locked door, guineas and roosters. I have bought a security camera but it doesn't work, so I have to return it to get a new one. As soon as I have the money, I am going to put an electric fence around it.
How are the chicks and new rooster adjusting? Better yet, how are your hens liking the new arrivals?

Our new roo was renamed by my DH to Duke. He said he struts like John Wayne.

Duke is getting along famously with his two EE girls. He even "serviced" one the next day after he arrived.

They act like they have always been together. Frodo on the other hand does not like him so they are in pens where they can't see each other. When the big taj ma coop is finished everyone will go together so I know it will be interesting to see who ends up as top roo.

the babies are doing so well! They are in a 15x20 room in the barn and have tons of room to run and try out those wings. They seem to love pretending they are flying across the room. when they get chilly they run back under the light and in a minute or two are back out playing.

Part of me wishes I would have gotten more. But don't tell hubby that!
Our new roo was renamed by my DH to Duke. He said he struts like John Wayne.

Duke is getting along famously with his two EE girls. He even "serviced" one the next day after he arrived.

I hope my rooster will enjoy his new home as much! He's such a wuss around my girls, except for one... poor baby. He's supposed to be moving sometime this week... he's moving in with a TSC employee with three EE gals.
I have a double, one low near the run and one higher and about three feet back. I have small (1/2 inch) PVC pipe screwed to the posts of the coop. PVC posts for the outside are easy to drive and they don't require insulators.
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That's so sad.  I'm sorry you lost them.

That's why I have hardware cloth at the bottom.  I have netting above, solid fence, hardware cloth along the bottom, a coop with a locked door, guineas and roosters.  I have bought a security camera but it doesn't work, so I have to return it to get a new one.  As soon as I have the money, I am going to put an electric fence around it.  

With fence chargers you really get what you pay for. Ive got a parmak super energizer. It puts out one neck of a kick (16kv+) and its rated for 50 miles plus of fence.

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