You guys are killing me with these ducks!

I want some but have no where to put them after they come out of the brooder.

They're messy and noisy. Don't do it!

(there.. did that help?)
Last year the Northport one started with 2 ducks then changed 2 weeks later to 6. When I asked about the change they said it was never 2 but there had been a sign.

Northport has Red mix pullets, mixed pullets, fancy straight run mix, Cornish cross straight run. All of the mixed pullets are dark brown chipmunk stripes and all of the fancy mix are yellow. Someone asked about just getting females and the lady said there was no way to know. I pointed at the pullet bins and told him they were all female. She said I was wrong that they were all mixed. I explained that a pullet was female. She argued until another person agreed with me. They are using huge waterers and the chicks are swimming. I think the will lose a few. I tried to tell them about marble but they walked away. So sad. I hate to see the chicks taken care of so poorly.

I have 20 eggs hatching Saturday so I am not so disappointed that they didn't get anything good in.
I'm going to look at the TSC store in Selma tomorrow and see what they have. I have about 30 chicks coming next week.
I hope they have something more than barred rock's and mixed reds!
Last year the Northport one started with 2 ducks then changed 2 weeks later to 6. When I asked about the change they said it was never 2 but there had been a sign.

Northport has Red mix pullets, mixed pullets, fancy straight run mix, Cornish cross straight run. All of the mixed pullets are dark brown chipmunk stripes and all of the fancy mix are yellow. Someone asked about just getting females and the lady said there was no way to know. I pointed at the pullet bins and told him they were all female. She said I was wrong that they were all mixed. I explained that a pullet was female. She argued until another person agreed with me. They are using huge waterers and the chicks are swimming. I think the will lose a few. I tried to tell them about marble but they walked away. So sad. I hate to see the chicks taken care of so poorly.

I have 20 eggs hatching Saturday so I am not so disappointed that they didn't get anything good in.

You get used to it... the 'people taking bad care of chicks'. Sad, but true.

I was at a fair last year and they had a 'petting zoo' for the kids. Basically a big bin with chicks. Every single one of those birds had a pasty butt. Two teenage boys sat in a corner talking to eachother, they were supposed to watch the whole thing I guess. I wanted to snatch them all up >_< They also had another area with adult birds crammed in wire cages. They looked horrific. Feet were mangled from the wire.. no water in their bowls.. dirty butts, bald spots etc.

You'll quickly find that the folks on BYC are some of the most caring when it comes to chickens. A whole lot of people out there just don't care.. chickens are cheap, disposable.. "Oh, they just die, sometimes *shrug*" even though WE know why they die. I have to bite my tongue sometimes, when I see folks selling chickens on Facebook... the pictures of their filthy coops just scream 'red flag' to me.

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