"Morning, KF! How are the 'heifers' and why haven't you posted pics lately?

the heifers are getting so big!! We are working like crazy on the new "Taj Ma Coop" and hope to have it done this weekend to integrate the heifers with the Fab five (that's Duke and his ladies)

I'll take some pix and post in a few minutes.
@Wisher1000 ask and ye shall receive!

Here is Mr. Darcy. He is a BCM

Not sure what to name her but this is the BCM pullet. It's cold today.

this little cocky boy is Chester. He thinks he is the boss of everyone.

some of them all fluffed up b/c it's cold out today.

the one with the white tip on her wing is Lucy

another of Mr. Darcy

Chester is going to be the spitting image of the rooster I gave you, his dad, and should have the same temperment. Mr. Darcy (love the name, I'm a Pride & Prejudice fan, too) will be as handsome as his namesake. What is your pullet/cockeral ratio?
@icandi what breed of chick is that in your avatar picture? I have four mystery chicks that look just like that.
She's an Easter Egger! They had her listed as Ameraucana from Ideal. She's just about feathered out fully and she's still solid white so far.. at least until she gets dirty lol As a chick she had a beige stripe down her back but everything else was a really light yellow.
Chester is going to be the spitting image of the rooster I gave you, his dad, and should have the same temperment. Mr. Darcy (love the name, I'm a Pride & Prejudice fan, too) will be as handsome as his namesake. What is your pullet/cockeral ratio?

I *think* I have six pullets and four roos. I hope I don't have more than four.

It is making it hard to decide who to keep. I'm torn between Chester and Mr. Darcy. Alexia my DD LOVES Chester and wants to "keep him forever and hug him"

BUT I love Mr. Darcy.
She's an Easter Egger! They had her listed as Ameraucana from Ideal. She's just about feathered out fully and she's still solid white so far.. at least until she gets dirty lol As a chick she had a beige stripe down her back but everything else was a really light yellow.

oh, that's exciting! Maybe I have some EE. I have four of them. They were in the "mixed pullets bin" at TSC. They are getting in white feathers with just a hint of reddish brown highlights.
Sunday was SO nice and warm that all my girls, and Rocky, decided to treat themselves to a spa day in their new enclosed area which was my garden plot last season. Have you ever seen so many dust bathing birds before? It was hilarious to watch them throwing dirt all over each other.

So we finished up the chick brooder this weekend! Well mostly my boyfriend, but I'm so proud of it! Here's it under construction:


And here's the finished product! He spent so much time making sure it was all square and it was so worth it! There's a roost in the back along the back wall, a screened top that can be removed, the front is plexiglass, and there's a door on the side that lifts up and off for when they get big enough that I can put the whole thing in the coop. I can't wait to get my babies!


The best part is that the whole frame was salvaged from old pallets that were in good shape, and a few old boards that were lying around! All I had to buy was the 4 sheets of plywood, 1 sheet of hardboard, screws, screen, and plexiglass. I'll have to paint something decorative to cover the white silicone under the plexi, but the silicone was free too, so I'm not complaining!
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