Hi, I'm looking at moving to Hoover, Al in May and am wondering what the rules are for backyard chicks there. Anyone know or have experience to share.? Thanks

the city is fine with it, but you might be moving into a HOA neighborhood that doesn't allow it.
OMG! I was bad!! Bought some fresh eggs to EAT last week. Just for the heck of it I stuck a dozen eggs in the incubator for fun because I never incubated chicken eggs before.

Temperature been spiking like crazy and humidity is all over the board. And for some reason it still is( I think its because of our crazy weather) I was sure that all the eggs would have died by now.

I candled yesterday. This is what I found. 10 were good. Only 2 was questionable. I still have a little over 2 weeks to go and anything can happen. I definitely shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch(I always wanted to say that!). But back in my mind I'm saying what the heck am I going to do with all the chicks?!!!

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Orps: what is that u are using to candle. It looks super bright

Small LED flash light from Walmart. It came in a box of 5 for $10.
Candling these chicken eggs(white, blue and brown) with this light is a lot easier than the small dark spotted quail eggs. As you can tell, the veins show up very nicely.
Small LED flash light from Walmart.   It came in a box of 5 for $10.
Candling these chicken eggs(white, blue and brown) with this light is a lot easier than the small dark spotted quail eggs. As you can tell, the veins show up very nicely.
yes they do. I have seen how pricey some of those candleing lights are. Im going to go with the walmart light when i start to incubate
OMG! I was bad!! Bought some fresh eggs to EAT last week. Just for the heck of it I stuck a dozen eggs in the incubator for fun because I never incubated chicken eggs before.

Temperature been spiking like crazy and humidity is all over the board. And for some reason it still is( I think its because of our crazy weather) I was sure that all the eggs would have died by now.

I candled yesterday. This is what I found. 10 were good. Only 2 was questionable. I still have a little over 2 weeks to go and anything can happen. I definitely shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch(I always wanted to say that!). But back in my mind I'm saying what the heck am I going to do with all the chicks?!!!


That. Is. AWESOME!

I'm sure you'll find a home for them. They're chicks, everyone loves chicks.
Good news, the chicken plague seems to have passed. Not sure what it was, but as soon as it got warm and sunny the past two days I haven't heard a single sniffle, sneeze or cough. I did worm them on Monday, so maybe it was gape worm? Seems unlikely, the chicks are too young to worm and they stopped sneezing too.

Ofcourse, my lovely chickens decided to ALL lay an egg during the 24 hour withholding period, to be funny. 9 hens, 9 eggs, 0 for the fridge.
Got only 3 eggs the day after... but they get fussy when we are working in the yard with power tools. They try to hold their eggs (and end up laying them while sleeping, breaking them under the roost... *sigh*).

The chicks have been getting freedom, since yesterday. I let them into the main coop a few times, for short periods, while I cleaned their area. I've now opened up their area up permanently and they are eating and drinking with the adults. Most of my chickens are VERY tolerant of chicks, Beverly doesn't like chicks, but one of my partridge rocks HATES chicks. She actively seeks them, just so she can chase them off. Nobody gets hurt, they know to run, but she's just mean like that. Waits for me to leave the coop.... because she knows I don't accept that sort of behavior.

My other partridge rock still has a swollen sinus, but other than that, everyone looks good and healthy and no rattles in their breathing.

mean partridge rock, coming to chase them off....

the ladies. We cut grass yesterday... they enjoy their chopped leaf and grass (and weeds).

the grazing frames my dear husband made for me. The girls love them.

corner of her eye is still swollen (sinus)

She got attacked by a hawk last year. The girls pushed her to the bottom of the pecking order after that.... and destroyed her already pitiful comb while doing so. Chicken politics...

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