Do you need a pond? I've seen pics of people that just have a little kiddie pool but I really ain't interested in that much more work. He He He. I may be getting a little lazy in my old age. Besides till I can convince the Hawk to move elsewhere I have all my critters on lock down. Yesterday I let the youngins out to play while I fixed dinner, I WAS sure they are big enough to be out of danger, nope I was wrong, I guess he lives somewhere close. They wasn't out 10 mins, and the hawk got one.
Orps, I won't mention what else I just hatched *heehee*
(Ears Covered) LA...LA...LA....LA..... I don't want to know.
hmmm...IDK? Mine are truly free range. Call ducks out there too. The pond provides protection from "most" land predators. Hawks and owls are always a problem.

BexB -- YES -- I use kiddie pools during the breeding season for the geese, and they would stay MUCH cleaner if I did that year round. *lol*
I have plenty of room for a small pond, if I can talk the hubby into it. I been trying since we moved in. I told him we need to start now to get the ecosystem going, and stock it with fish. But he says I have enough projects for him already that a pond will have to wait. Right now we are working on a bigger run for my little guys, cause I don't want to raise any more hawk food.I was worried about snakes, and as far as I can tell the repellant is working. Now to find a Hawk repellant! HMMMMMMMM.
@Tomtommom I tightened the No Crow collar on the little rooster last night and absolutely NO crowing until I took it off this morning. I am rather impressed as I did not think it would completely eliminate it. I'm going to test it out for a few more days and then tuck it away for those days when I just really need to use it. Good luck with yours!!
@Tomtommom I tightened the No Crow collar on the little rooster last night and absolutely NO crowing until I took it off this morning. I am rather impressed as I did not think it would completely eliminate it. I'm going to test it out for a few more days and then tuck it away for those days when I just really need to use it. Good luck with yours!!

How does it work? Is it like the bark collar for dogs?I don't need one I am just curious.

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