How does it work? Is it like the bark collar for dogs?I don't need one I am just curious.
No, it isn't like a bark collar - no shocking or anything. It is made of mesh and velcro and fits snugly around the neck and puts pressure to limit the force of air so the crow isn't as loud. They can still crow, just not as loud. Apparently our little Tractor just gave up trying since he couldn't crow as loud. He could still eat and drink while wearing it. Granted, he hates having it on. He tries to back out of it and flip out of it and pitches a general hissy fit for about 10 minutes then settles down. Another couple of nights and I won't use it again. I really wanted to see if worked so I could have the option available if we needed it - like if my daughter is sick and I don't want her disturbed. It is an interesting concept. There's pictures of the collar and of it being worn on the website I consider my little experiment with it successful and my curiosity satisfied.
How does it work? Is it like the bark collar for dogs?I don't need one I am just curious.

No, it is not like a bark collar. The collar prevents roosters expelling the contents of their air sacs all at once, preventing them from unleashing a full-powered crow. They might still crow, but it will be less loud.
@Tomtommom I tightened the No Crow collar on the little rooster last night and absolutely NO crowing until I took it off this morning. I am rather impressed as I did not think it would completely eliminate it. I'm going to test it out for a few more days and then tuck it away for those days when I just really need to use it. Good luck with yours!!

I actually did a little experimenting too. I made one collar out of ducttape, folded onto itself so it wasn't sticky. That one lasted an hour. I also cut the top part off a kid's sock (the stretchy part)... he's wore it 24 hours now. Haven't heard a single crow. I even put the baby monitor in the coop so I could grab him if he started crowing at 5am. Not a peep. I like the sock since he's white and the sock is white, can't even see it on him.

I received my collar in the mail today, but it didn't have the yellow tag (which I wanted as proof to the city "See, he's not a nuisance, he's got a no crow collar!") I emailed them about it, we'll see what they say. I actually quite like the sock
I might return the collar.

No, it isn't like a bark collar - no shocking or anything. It is made of mesh and velcro and fits snugly around the neck and puts pressure to limit the force of air so the crow isn't as loud. They can still crow, just not as loud. Apparently our little Tractor just gave up trying since he couldn't crow as loud. He could still eat and drink while wearing it. Granted, he hates having it on. He tries to back out of it and flip out of it and pitches a general hissy fit for about 10 minutes then settles down. Another couple of nights and I won't use it again. I really wanted to see if worked so I could have the option available if we needed it - like if my daughter is sick and I don't want her disturbed. It is an interesting concept. There's pictures of the collar and of it being worn on the website I consider my little experiment with it successful and my curiosity satisfied.

No, it is not like a bark collar. The collar prevents roosters expelling the contents of their air sacs all at once, preventing them from unleashing a full-powered crow. They might still crow, but it will be less loud.

What they said. They do this weird neck expandy thing to get a nice loud crow out, can't do that with the collar.
I actually did a little experimenting too. I made one collar out of ducttape, folded onto itself so it wasn't sticky. That one lasted an hour. I also cut the top part off a kid's sock (the stretchy part)... he's wore it 24 hours now. Haven't heard a single crow. I even put the baby monitor in the coop so I could grab him if he started crowing at 5am. Not a peep. I like the sock since he's white and the sock is white, can't even see it on him.

I received my collar in the mail today, but it didn't have the yellow tag (which I wanted as proof to the city "See, he's not a nuisance, he's got a no crow collar!") I emailed them about it, we'll see what they say. I actually quite like the sock
I might return the collar.

What they said. They do this weird neck expandy thing to get a nice loud crow out, can't do that with the collar.
Hmmmm.... I have a number of kids socks that have been out-grown.... what type of rooster do you have and what size sock did you use?
I think my chicken has gone feral!

I started to happened when I removed the Alpha hen and gave her to my parents.

They are no longer going into their coop to sleep.
They will not let me touch them nor do they want to get close to me.
They do not come when I call them anymore
I put feed down but they really don't eat a lot of it. They look okay so I'm thinking they are eating off the land. 1 cup will last a couple of days(provided the dogs do not eat it first)

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Here is a picture of my flock. Throwing scratch to them is the only thing that will keep him from running off.
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Catch them when they're asleep after dark. Keep them confined a while and handle them more. Feed treats etc.

BTW, sock didn't work. I woke up at 5am to Mr.Roo crowing his happy little heart out. We put the rooster collar on. He was still crowing. *sigh*

I tightened it some more... But his feathers are growing right now, so it's all pins... don't want to and can't put the collar too tight right now.

I'm so worried those neighbors are going to call the city again. I wish they'd talk to me. Let me know if he's too loud for them or not.
Catch them when they're asleep after dark. Keep them confined a while and handle them more. Feed treats etc.

BTW, sock didn't work. I woke up at 5am to Mr.Roo crowing his happy little heart out. We put the rooster collar on. He was still crowing. *sigh*

I tightened it some more... But his feathers are growing right now, so it's all pins... don't want to and can't put the collar too tight right now.

I'm so worried those neighbors are going to call the city again. I wish they'd talk to me. Let me know if he's too loud for them or not.
Tomtom I am so sorry the sock did not work. I was sure hoping it would I was planning to get some tomorrow! Drats! :/
Maybe you could ask your neighbors before they get upset and tell them you are trying some things to get him to stop crowing. It might make them feel better.

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