I am a total NOOB when it comes to planting. I am learning as I go.But I got 2 blueberry bushes, they are quite large, Ok the reason I bought them is they were 2 bucks each. In the spring they was 12 to 15 bucks for bushes of this size.So my question is do I plant them now, or do I bring the pots in till spring? I would really like NOT to kill them. Since buying this place a year ago I have "successfully" planted dwarf apple and pear trees, plumb and peach trees and grapes. I will not go into the list of "unsuccessful" planting I have done.
I really hate this time of year. I get to see my chickey babies for a minute at breakfast ,then at head count,when they get upset with me for turning on the light while they are sleeping.. i tried to tell my boss,we need shorter hours to go with shorter days, but he won't go for that.IDK why!

I do not look forward to the shorter days either. Hate it when I come home in the dark.

See that big branch? That's where the muscovy were sitting this morning, waiting for breakfast.
Did they get out of the coop or did they decided that the tree branch is their coop?
I am a total NOOB when it comes to planting. I am learning as I go.But I got 2 blueberry bushes, they are quite large, Ok the reason I bought them is they were 2 bucks each. In the spring they was 12 to 15 bucks for bushes of this size.So my question is do I plant them now, or do I bring the pots in till spring? I would really like NOT to kill them. Since buying this place a year ago I have "successfully" planted dwarf apple and pear trees, plumb and peach trees and grapes. I will not go into the list of "unsuccessful" planting I have done.

Plant them. They've got several weeks if not two months before it gets real frosty. Enough time to root. I would protect them with mulch this year. Thick layer of leaf or straw around the bottom.

Fall is the best time to plant stuff like that. I wish I found a $2 blueberry
I got $5 apple trees this summer.
Orps, they were on my garden gate this morning. I'm going to span some wires so they decide against flying out again


They are really, REALLY good flyers. Except for the male. He just sits all sad and lonely in the coop, waiting for them to come back haha
Where did you get those Blueberry plants at? Do they have any more? I planted 2 plants about 5-6 years ago on my property and I finally got a good bit of blueberrys off them this year so I want to get a few more to plant out there with them.

Well darn. We just replaced my mother in law's stove. Her old one worked, but nobody would take it. If I hada known, you could have had it. We took it to the scrapyard.
Whats your recipe?

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