I live in north Alabama. I am looking for a Mille Fleur D'Uccle hen. I am impossibly addicted to chickens and have a mixed flock because there are too many awesome breeds to narrow it down! I think the Mille Fleurs are so gorgeous; I'd love to add one to my bantam group. Does anyone have a hen, or know of one? Willing to drive a little, but not too far (drove almost 2 hours yesterday...) Thank you for your help!
Hello to all the Alabama folks. New to the forum and new to BYC. We live in Bibb Ala. In the process of building Coop and really excited to be getting chicks hopefully this week.
Hello to all the Alabama folks. New to the forum and new to BYC. We live in Bibb Ala. In the process of building Coop and really excited to be getting chicks hopefully this week.
Welcome! Where are you getting your chicks, and what breed are you getting?
Was planning on getting them from TSC in Montevallo. They get couple shipments every week. As far as breed, that is still up in the air, pending on what they get in. Any suggestions?
Good luck with TSC chicks. I've only bought silkies for there. 8 chicks raised to 6 months before I could sex them. Ended up with 2 hens & a roo. I culled the other roos. You might be better to order pullets from ideal poultry.
I am not an expert by any means. I started raising chickens last year, with young chickens a friend had hatched in the incubator. They were originally 19 birds. Two I lost to raccoons, and I had to cull 9 roosters (too many, and fights had begun). The remaining 8, 7 hens and one rooster, are of various breeds: 4 black bantams, two brown greeneggers, one Plymouth Rock hen and a Plymouth Rock (mostly) rooster. The new recruits are Australorps, that I ordered from Hoover Hatchery, which I believe is in Iowa, through Tractor Supply. They were very late, stressed out, cold and starved when they arrived four days after being shipped. That first night I lost five of them. Then a few days later I lost another one. I was surprised it died, because it was in good shape and heavy. Maybe the long spell without water had damaged his kidneys, or maybe was one of those that have some congenital defect. All of the remaining ones seem to be well now. They are very vivacious and eat and drink a lot. And are growing fast. I also have 13 or 14 eggs from my mature hens in an incubator. They should hatch in five or six days. I hope the Aussies will treat them well when I release them in the same coop, though they are three weeks younger.
Welcome! I don't have a good tractor supply story either! I got 6 buff orpington chicks last year, 5 were roos! I ended up giving 3 away. I think a racoon got the other two. They were beautiful birds. But the odds were against us. If you go that route maybe get pullets and save yourself some trouble! I'm hatching lavender orpingtons right now. I also (am trying to) breed blue australorps. In North Alabama. Welcome!
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