I'd be interested in taking a few off your hands. I'm not sure where your are is though. I'm TERRIBLE with directions! Let me know how to get them, and if you want the money for them. I don't think two dollars is too much. You can pm me and we'll talk.
Crickett, if I had known they were having the festival sooner I would have tried to go and meet you but I have made plans already that I couldn't break if I wanted to. I guess I am lucky that my DH doesn't care how many critters I get. I guess he doesn't want me to tell him how many cows he can have. The only thing I haven't been able to talk him into are pigs and that day WILL come. BTW I put a few duck eggs in the bator but had only one hatch. I've got 6 to go in soon. They are Pekins. If your interested I will PM you when/if they hatch just let me know.
That is hillarous. I can believe that. You know they have to have their cut. They have lost too much revenue. Apparently you are not spending enough in their retail establishments to keep the taxes coming in.

Yeah, but that's normal for me. All those folks who bought $500,000 houses and then lost their jobs aren't doing their part to keep the city alive! No wonder Walmart is much more crowded than the Galleria.
I live outside of Atlanta right now but I am originally from the Alabama coast area. I am looking forward to moving back to Bay Minette Alabama in the next few months. Sweet Home Alabama.
I'd like that! I'm planning on getting some pigs as well! There is so much I want to do, and never enough time to do it! Just let me know about the hatch, and we'll talk! 'K?
I have regular brown quail pairs for sale they are 16 weeks or 4 weeks will be traveing to Huntsville Monday May 4th or Tuesday May5th so I could meet anyone along 231 if interested They are $6 a pair
I don't need any quail. I'm near H'ville so got anything else I might want? Pullets, hens ? Jerseys, Buffs, Anything?

You have a bator now- Congrats- Its very addicting.

What else you got Tamsflock? I have to go to Huntsville this weekend but I could put it of till the first of the week.
sporttees, Yes i made my own bator .Think I did a good job on it . I'm excited about it.Yes very addicting !!! Lucy Lu is out of quarintine and doing GREAT. The others tried picking at her so I made her her own roosting spots where she could get away from the others. Now she hangs out up high and looks down on everyone else. She now thinks she is the Queen of the bunch. She is sweetest. Thank You again !

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