Have you ever been to the Ardmore Dog Daze flea market? They have chicks and chickens of all ages. We went on Sunday and sold all our roosters (well really some we just gave away -- cause it was so dad-blum hot). We took 11 eight-week olds and only gave away two to someone who sells every week. Told him he was welcome to them and could sell them.

You should be able to find what you are looking for. They are open on SUNDAY and Monday only. But honestly I don't know how many chicken sellers are there on Monday but on Sunday there were about about 15 different sellers there. Not open on Saturday. We had so much fun selling ours but next year I think we will be buyers and pick up our chicks local. Was not impressed with mail order -- too many roosters.

Hope that helps or that someone on here can help you out. Good Luck!
Anyone interested in 3 mo old hen & roo pairs- Barred Rocks, RIR, Partridge/ White rock mix, EE and 2 mo old Cochins ( maybe banty)


Partridge Rock

One on the right is Partridge rock mix

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I have 3 hens setting on eggs right now that should be hatching soon (I hope). I don't remember what I set under them but I'm thinking all the eggs under my broody Turkey are not going to hatch. She keeps moving them all over in the coop every couple of days trying to find a better place in there and I have found some uncovered a few times and put them back under her and some of the other chickens are adding to her nest or she takes them herself. (she is an egg hoarder)

Do you know anyone who sells eggs that you can put under her to hatch? I have seen eggs for sell at Longriders Feed Store over there by Sara Lee in downtown Florence.

If you want some Phoenix eggs I will give you a dozen to set under her. I have Rose Combed Silver, Rose Combed Gold and Single Combed Gold. They are all seperate so they will be pure. It would be an assortment of whatever I have here setting on my counter.

Jayare's Chicks :

I have 3 hens setting on eggs right now that should be hatching soon (I hope). I don't remember what I set under them but I'm thinking all the eggs under my broody Turkey are not going to hatch. She keeps moving them all over in the coop every couple of days trying to find a better place in there and I have found some uncovered a few times and put them back under her and some of the other chickens are adding to her nest or she takes them herself. (she is an egg hoarder)

Do you know anyone who sells eggs that you can put under her to hatch? I have seen eggs for sell at Longriders Feed Store over there by Sara Lee in downtown Florence.

If you want some Phoenix eggs I will give you a dozen to set under her. I have Rose Combed Silver, Rose Combed Gold and Single Combed Gold. They are all seperate so they will be pure. It would be an assortment of whatever I have here setting on my counter.


She has already been sitting for about a week. Would it be ok to put some eggs under her at this stage or would she abandon them? I got rid of our rooster about a month ago and now we have a 5 month old Jersey Giant rooster (we obtained him about 1-2 weeks ago. I really don't think she has anything fertile under her. I just don't want to get eggs and then she abandon them. I have never tried adding eggs before. Any advice.?​
I replaced eggs a week in because I had a feeling they werent fertile because of a young roo and at 7 days I candled no dev. So I took them all and replaced with eggs I knew were fertile she hatched them all so she actually sat 28 days she stayed on so You might have a good chance she will stay on them..
Good Luck
Well if you had that roo for about a week before she started setting I would bet that some if not all of them would be fertile.
If you were to swap out the eggs the best time would probably be to do it at night, just take out the old and slip in the new. You could take out an egg and candle it to see if there is any development and if there is just put it back.

I've got some,,,,lets see, some are white, some are brown, a few are i guess you'd call them buff,,,i got them from a guy near coaling alabama, he hatches quite a few,,,they're really cute
ROLL TIDE I live near Stewertville close to rockford, love my birds ,I raise RIR, buff orph, barred rocks,light brahmas, game ,blacktail white jap, silkies and quail, like to chat with fellow alabamians buy sell trade

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