I'm in Shorter, Alabama which is in Macon County. Just east of Montgomery.

Where is a good place to get chickens around this area? I got mine in Santuck.
Rhode Island Reds, Dominiques, Buffs are all good layers. Eggs are a brown type.

If you are on 20 acres I guess noise doesn't matter but was wondering if anyone else thought that RIRs were just a bit noisy?
I also live in west limestone area and agree about the choices of chicken breeds mentioned {rir, buffs, dom. and bar rocks} but I`ve not noticed my rir`s any noisier than the others, but they may be. At the moment none are laying much at all,,going thru some molting,,,,good luck and welcome ,,,,also I still got some baby muscovy ducks for sale,,(9 left at 2bucks each)
Anybody in the North Jefferson Co. - Blount Co. area have eggs hatching in the next couple of days? I don't care about what kind they are.
I have a broody that has been setting on eggs that I had shipped. She set for over a week before I was able to get them and now 3 more. I put her over 8 and she has kicked 4 out of the nest. She was right though, none of the 4 had developed at all.

I am just afraid that none of them are going to hatch and I cant bear the thought of her doing all that work and then having no biddies to show for it.
She is due to hatch on Tue. and I want to make sure that none of her eggs hatch before I take her off. So if you are due to hatch any time around then and can spare just a few chicks please let me know.

Update Sat. Now I am down to 3 eggs in the nest. Please can anyone help me?
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Hey just wanted to check and see if anyone in NW Alabama or pretty close has a Bourbon Red Tom Turkey I have several hens that need a Tom. If you can help me out just let me no Thanks, Andy
There is a auction in Milbrook and one other place. Im just getting into it. I set up at santuck sometimes with the chicken guy

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