Alaska hatchers..How is everyone doing? Baby pics !!!!!!

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Oh boy! What have I got myself into. I'm sitting here staring at 4 goose eggs and 5 turkey eggs, and do I know what I'm doing?.....are you kidding me!?!?!?!

(when they hatch they are headed right to their new water fowl for this girl!)
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Oh I am glad he's doing better
I have one polish and those are the cutest chicks. They are sweet tempered too (so far). I got 2 eggs for extras and one hatched.

Goose eggs - oh that's awesome. Let us know how you do it. My neighbor wants me to try hatching one of hers but I don't have a clue!
Candling last night revealed 9 non-moving, and 2 early quitters. Eggtopsy showed 9 of the 11 were shrink wrapped, and 2 were nothing more than a bit of development and yolk.
I think the lower temp and the power outtage took their toll.
I have another 30 set that I will candle tonight or tomorrow.
they were set at 2:00 AM on the the 8th and should hatch on April 29th.

I think we will try something a bit different.
I will be using a little higher humidity 35-40% Day 1-18 (instead of 25-35%) and 75-80% for 18-23. we will see if that helps.
Ok all!! I took the plunge the other day and threw six of my goose eggs in the incuabtor along with 5 turkey eggs, 3 Brahma, and 4 Quail. Up until now, I had been hatching eggs that I shipped in and have been having decent luck with them. Now to see how my own birds do... Wish me luck...
Tori and Donna,

I don't know about you guys, but have you noticed what little hellions these BCMs are as chicks? I finally had to kick them out to the heated brooder in the coop. My house is a disaster! My little Dellies are so sweet and calm, the only noise that was being
made around here was those darn BCMs chicks!
Nope... it's the other way around for me.
I hardly notice the BCMs at all, and they're 10 weeks old now.
Wow, I must have a nutty strain of BCMs lol......They scream, flutter and fight with each other constantly! See what you have to look forward to in a few weeks?
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Boy you've got that right - They are terrors! I put them in an extra large box for the next 2 weeks and they are out that door the SECOND I open it and running everywhere! They howl bloody murder when I put them back in - and about any other caterwauling complaint! they have all the wood shavings outside the box within hours. I have no idea how they do it. They are going out into a heated brooder on the porch this week the rascals!
Nutty strain part 2 - Tori's got nice ones - mine are finks!
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