Albany, NY Chick

Hello and Welcome to BYC. Glad to have you here with us in this fun and poultry loving community. It would be nice if you could build a coop as another home school project and build it big enough for 6 hens in case chicken math strikes at your house. :)
Chicken math is a new one! haha In Albany we cant have more than three hens with our property. Any miscalculations my parents can keep is the plan...
How large do you recommend for three hens?
45 sq ft. But you really need it larger than that because some day you are going to want/need to integrate new birds into the flock. I would not make it any smaller than 10x10. You don't want narrow. That basically forces a chicken to have to 'run the gauntlet' to get past a potentially higher ranking crabby hen.
I would not keep more than 7 birds in a 10x10 run.

Hope you enjoy your time here! 😊 Good luck with everything!
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

Here's a link to our Coop Forum where there are hundreds of coops our members built, and some explain how they built their runs too. It might give you ideas.

One thing to try to do though is cover all windows and make the run with 1/2 hardware cloth as that is nearly impenetrable by the majority of varments.

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