All about Amberlinks!



Muddy Acre Farms
14 Years
Sep 20, 2009
Pride, La.
I’ve wanted to start an Amberlink thread in the Breed section for a while now since there’s not a whole lot of information out there about them. I thought maybe everyone that has them can add a little something to this!!

Easter weekend we purchased 6 “pullets” there the little yellow ones in the pic.


When they were about 4 weeks old it was obvious that we had 3 roosters out of the 6. The little roosters already were starting to get the beigey coloring while the little pullets were pure white plus the pullets were feathering out much faster.



Up until the pullets reached about 8-9 weeks old they stayed pure white. They are gradually starting getting their little spots. The rooster is starting to get darker color feathers. The below pic was taken a few weeks ago and I need to get an updated one.


I spoke with Ann Clarke aka Grannieannie from the UK and this is what she told me. “The reason they are slightly harder to sex is because they are feather sexed, and some do get missed. Amberlinks are basically a cross between a Light Sussex cockerel and a Rhode Island Red hen, but when they cross the Rhode Island Red Cockerel with a Light Sussex hen (plus all the other bits of genetics) the chicks are autosexing, so the girls are brown and the boys are creamy or white.”

She generously sent me 2 pictures of 2 roosters she’s had.



I hope what little bit of information I was able to provide can help someone.

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Too funny, I just posted looking for other peoples pics of Amberlinks than i found your post! I will have to post pics of mine tomorrow. They look similar to yours, my roo was the first to get his dark feathers. He is beautiful, nice colors to him! But i do have another that has the same dark feathers, no crown or wattle though! Mine are 8 weeks and the white girls are just starting to show their spots!

How are the temperments of yours?? Mine are sweet! My daughter says Scooby Roo doesnt like her, but he is sweet with me!
Their temperments are pretty even!! I'm not a big pick up play with the chickens kinda of person so they all do the "Ugh, I think your gonna kill me!" act when you act like your gonna try to pick them up but they are never aggresive with any of the others and they will come right up to me like all the others do when they think I have goodies for them! Now, that little roo is something else. I had to laugh cause when I added him with the other 27 babies I had he started chest butting the older pullets (3-5 weeks older) and acting like he was gonna try to mount a couple of them. He's calmed down a bunch since them but he surely was try to show them who was the boss!!

I know I need to put some updated pictures of mine. Mine are now 13 weeks old!! I just didn't have them with me at work when I made this post!!

I would have to argue with that, the color in the Amber links is from Dominant white and the Light Sussex are not dominant white. Both Light Sussex and RIRs are based on the columbian pattern and crossing the two should give chicks with the columbian pattern, a L S roo on a RIR hen should give all pure silver Light Columbian females and males that are split for both the gold and silver genes ( they would look like Light columbians but have a yellowish sheen. But in both the black neck ticking and tails would be present in the offsrpring, the Amber links are not showing any black becuase it is being covered by Dominant white. Like from White leghorns. And that is also how feather sexing strains are made, but crossing a rapid feathering male breed ( white leghorns) with a slow feathering female breed ( RIRs) Both Light Sussex and RIRs are slow feathering breeds so the cross would not work for producing feather sexing chicks.

And also if they were a cross of a Light Sussex to a RIR hen, the chicks would have white leggs, not those bright yellow ones like the ones pictured.
I only have one Amberlink; she is about 12 weeks old, and my 4-year-old granddaughter named her "Fireworks" LOL. She is the biggest of all my chicks that were bought at the same time and is really sweet and pretty. I don't think she has spots though. I'll try to get some pictures uploaded.
I would have to argue with that, the color in the Amber links is from Dominant white and the Light Sussex are not dominant white. Both Light Sussex and RIRs are based on the columbian pattern and crossing the two should give chicks with the columbian pattern, a L S roo on a RIR hen should give all pure silver Light Columbian females and males that are split for both the gold and silver genes ( they would look like Light columbians but have a yellowish sheen. But in both the black neck ticking and tails would be present in the offsrpring, the Amber links are not showing any black becuase it is being covered by Dominant white. Like from White leghorns. And that is also how feather sexing strains are made, but crossing a rapid feathering male breed ( white leghorns) with a slow feathering female breed ( RIRs) Both Light Sussex and RIRs are slow feathering breeds so the cross would not work for producing feather sexing chicks.

And also if they were a cross of a Light Sussex to a RIR hen, the chicks would have white leggs, not those bright yellow ones like the ones pictured.

Thanks for adding to the information on this breed!!

Mine are 13 weeks and the pullets are barely showing any spots but you can see them starting to come through!!


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