All chickens against one!

When I first started with chickens, I had 2 hens, and a rooster. Later I got a couple more pullets. I did the containing the newcomers in plain sight, etc. Introduction day, and they started getting whomped by the alpha hen. The rooster tried to break it up, but couldn't. I broke it up after a minute, and things went ok for a few minutes, then alpha began fighting again. Again, I let it continue a minute, then broke it up. I continued with my coop chores, and several more times, broke up the fighting. The rooster was doing his job, but the alpha was having no part of it. The alpha wouldn't stop, so I grabbed the alpha, and put her in the cage. Things settled down nicely. The rooster introduced himself, danced and treated the newcomers, he kept the 2nd in command under control. In about 3 days, I reintroduced the alpha. Nope, she persisted in her prior behavior. 3 more days in the cage, a little scuffling, but she was behaving fine.

That's when the 2nd. in command started bullying the pullets. I yanked her up, and put her in the cage. 3 days later, I reintroduced her. By then, the alpha had accepted the newcomers into her flock, the rooster was able to keep things under control, and when I reintroduced the 2nd in command, there was a little scuffle between her and the alpha, but the rooster broke it up. For the most part, things were fine after that. Yes, the younger ones got picked on occasionally, but not much, and the rooster kept peace in his flock.

Advice: Put at least 2 waterers, and feeders, separated far enough apart that the newcomers can't be bullied away from food and water. That's important. Put a bale of hay or 2, a large tote or 2, or something the newcomers can hide behind, and get away from the older hens.
Interesting story....that's some Chicken Juggling!

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