All Flock Higher Protein Feed vs. Layer Feed


Jun 10, 2022
We were using layer feed for our hens until we got baby chicks. We then switched all of them to starter/grower feed and supplemental calcium is always available. Now that all of the hens are laying we are trying to decide if we should switch them all over to layer feed or stay with a higher protein feed with supplemented calcium?
I know people do it both ways and I’ve love to hear your thoughts based on your own experiences as to which seems to work best.
We were using layer feed for our hens until we got baby chicks. We then switched all of them to starter/grower feed and supplemental calcium is always available. Now that all of the hens are laying we are trying to decide if we should switch them all over to layer feed or stay with a higher protein feed with supplemented calcium?
I know people do it both ways and I’ve love to hear your thoughts based on your own experiences as to which seems to work best.
High protein has more benefits then layer feed.
Layer isn't formulated for Heritage type chickens, only high Production egg layers, that are hybrids like red Sex-link varieties.
One of the biggest things I've learned from this forum is how many people (on here) go with a higher protein feed with shell on the side rather than layer. Layer feeds often can be deficient in certain things. Whenever I see someone brag about how cheap their feed is, usually one look at the nutrition label tells the complete story.

That's definitely not to say all layer feeds are bad though. The brand I buy has a solid layer feed but I opt for their chick feed mainly because it's 22% protein and actually a bit cheaper than their layer, so why not.
You can find good layer formulas with higher protein like Kalmbach's Full Plume & Feather Feed at 20% or Purina's High protein Layer feed at 19%. I go back & forth even with a rooster. My hens devour oyster shell either way. Way back in 1993 I articles suggested 21%-layer feed & back then they had it at Agway.
We were using layer feed for our hens until we got baby chicks. We then switched all of them to starter/grower feed and supplemental calcium is always available. Now that all of the hens are laying we are trying to decide if we should switch them all over to layer feed or stay with a higher protein feed with supplemented calcium?
I know people do it both ways and I’ve love to hear your thoughts based on your own experiences as to which seems to work best.
I use 2 feeders , 1 with all flock and one small feeder with layer feed they all eat both. I'd stay with the starter and calcium.

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