Alone pullet and introducing new chicks.


In the Brooder
Apr 10, 2020
I have the worst luck. I purchased 6 chicks and ended up with only one pullet she’s now 8 weeks old. The 5 roos were sent back yesterday. I purchased 2 new chicks but they are only 5 weeks old (one speckled Sussex, and one golden sexlink), I didn’t want my female to be alone. I have yet to introduce them but for the last 2 nights my quite female that never even chirped has been screaming at night and I feel really bad. My hen is the sweetest calmest golden sexlink, and I’ve never seen any aggression from her. Anyway my question is is it too soon to let them be together?
That’s a good idea I didn’t think of that, should I keep a heat lamp in there with the 5 week old or do you think they’ll be okay without a lamp? I have them in the garage with a heat lamp on low only at night. Temp here is 90 degrees day time and 60 degrees at night.
Heat lamp: probably not needed, if the 5-week ones have most of their feathers.
If you want to use a heat lamp, make sure the chicks have the option to get away from the heat, because they probably do want the normal room temperature.

You could put the first pullet in with the new ones and watch what happens. If the pen is big enough, and especially if they also have some distractions--maybe a clump of sod-- they might all be fine together.

But watch to see how it goes. A few pecks and a little chasing is fine. If she keeps picking on the new ones, or they keep picking on her, then divide the pen like jolenesdad suggested. That would let them get used to each other without being able to hurt each other.

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