My husband operates his own semi and he hauled egg cartons last month and there were 2 cases that were damaged and they didn't want them so he brought them to me. I have 300 egg cartons and no eggs.
Maybe I should start selling egg cartons instead of eggs.
I have 17 layers right now and the darn chickens were giving me 10-12 eggs a day and now I am lucky to get 3 a day. I have no idea what is up but I am not happy with my chickens right now!
I have 35 pullets that should be ready to lay any day but no eggs.
I have all these orders and not enough eggs to supply our family right now let alone anyone else.
you be angry like I am in a year when your 12 hens are laying 2 eggs a day and its the two same hens every day and the rest are either lazy or molting ! AHHHH and I have eggs In high demand I was able to pay for feed for a year over the summer
Have you thought about selling them without cartons? I charge $2.50-$3.00 per dozen if I provide the carton. If they buy them without a carton, or if they bring their own, it's $2.00-$2.50 per dozen.
I have some rescued hens from an egg house that lay whoppers of eggs, and I'll be getting some that are certified organic soon. The higher price is for 12 of their eggs, the lower price is mixed sizes, which includes silkie eggs and RIR eggs.
I definatly second the freecycle thing, post on your local Craigslist too. I'm getting between 8 and 14 per day from 16 hens, and two of those are broody, moody silkies. All but five are this springs chicks, the other five are at least 1 1/2 years old.
If you're selling them, be sure to put a label (I tape a piece of paper on) over the original information. The label should include your name, phone number, and either "farm fresh" or "ungraded" on it. Mine has both. That way the ag people can't get you and say you're selling eggs without a license/inspection. As long as you have that info, you're good.
Anne takes all of our surplus vegetables, about 75%, from the garden to the local food bank. I'm sure that she'll do the same with extra eggs. There are a lot of hungry people here in our county, and undoubtedly they are everywhere else too, especially lately.
And we thought she was a saint simply because she is staying married to you.
I agree with buff 150%!!!!
The plan for now is for my SO to take a sign to work offering eggs at a good price in exchange for cartons. And Joe, thanks for that info. I'm going to call the local senior citizen's center and find out if they could take my extras.