Amelia is broody again!

I bet she will be back on the nest. They do take a break, eat, stretch, dirt bath, drink, terrorize the layers and stomp around.

I would start thinking how many chicks and what kinds of chicks I could get, and then check with your feed store for dates they get chicks, you want the freshest hatched chicks you can have.

Mrs K
Thanks I hope she’s just taking a break but I’m not sure she’s gonna go back.
Thanks for all your help with Amelia! Some of you helped me last time when I really had no clue what to do! I was just wondering if your broody hens peck you? Amelia doesn’t peck me unless I touch her in the dark when she can’t see me. My friend had a broody hen and she pecked when someone got too close.
Mrs. Feather puffs up and growls when I come close. When she was younger - she had a lightening peck. This last time, she just growled.

My new broody, Mrs. Pro, she has nailed me once. Did not leave a mark. I need to check under her today, and will take a towel down to put over her head, while I do so.

Mrs K
Thanks for all your help with Amelia! Some of you helped me last time when I really had no clue what to do! I was just wondering if your broody hens peck you? Amelia doesn’t peck me unless I touch her in the dark when she can’t see me. My friend had a broody hen and she pecked when someone got too close.
My serial broody, Dahlia, will draw blood when she is broody, she does a bite with a twist, I wear leather gloves and long sleeves when she's broody, lol
When Amelia was a chick she had bad aim so it was not fun to feed her treats off your hand! She is such a sweet girl even lets me pet her! when my friends broody tried to peck me it took me by surprise.
Amelia when she was a baby ❤️
my friend’s broody hatched out two of Amelia’s eggs and one is a little frizzle! I’m not sure if she has one of her own eggs under her.
Fern is the frizzle, Poppy who I am pretty sure is a boy is the other light colored one, and Ebbie is the other chick who is not from my chickens!
It looks like Enola got up maybe she’s practicing like her mom? In some ways I’m relieved I don’t know how many more chickens I want! I just can’t say no to a broody hen! 😊
Amelia ate one of her eggs yesterday! I was pretty upset and worried about the other eggs. I did however candle the eggs the day before she ate one and that one didn’t look like it was alive or even started developing and she hasn’t eaten another one. Do you know why she ate it?
Enola is actually broody and has three eggs under her. Hopefully I get some hens! Amelia’s eggs are supposed to hatch June 30th! She is such a funny hen and I think she’s ready for her eggs to hatch 😊

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