Ameraucana or EE? Hen or rooster?

Yes, she and her sisters (who didn't survive) were from a hatchery. She was more expensive than the other 12 chicks I got.
How much did you pay? Post a pic of the other EE. It doesn’t have to be a perfect shot. Feed stores will order chicks for customers. It is possible, if you payed a lot more for the white one, that it is a left over from someone’s previous order. Talk to the feed store and ask what hatchery they get their birds from. Cackle and I think Meyers sell true Ameraucanas.
Just saw your pic as I was typing. That second bird is a typical EE.
Okay, thanks! What color is she? I am not super concerned about her breed, but I may show her and I need to know what breed/color to enter her as. The show people aren't concerned about pure-bred or not.

She is an Easter Egger. Pattern doesn't fit any specific pattern. Legs don't look slate either, may just be the light.
When I think of most EEs, including the one above, I've heard that pattern be called 'quail'.

Kind of similar to the predictable 'partridge' pattern in birds like Welsummers, but with differences in the neck and chest.

Totally open to correction/coaching on this- but wanted to try to answer your question!
When I think of most EEs, including the one above, I've heard that pattern be called 'quail'.

Kind of similar to the predictable 'partridge' pattern in birds like Welsummers, but with differences in the neck and chest.

Totally open to correction/coaching on this- but wanted to try to answer your question!
Just looked up the Partridge Welsummer and I see what you mean!
It’s very unlikely you would get a white Ameraucana from a feed store. That’s a very pretty EE cockerel is my guess. I’ve never seen a pure white one before. His behavior, as described, would be him trying to figure out how to mate, it’s normal. I would put him back in the coop as long as no one is getting injured.
Really... i purchased americauna chicks straight run from tractor supply online, i got a pure white one,male. Im super excited to learn more about breeds. All i ever had was barred rock, orpington and leghorns.


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How much did you pay? Post a pic of the other EE. It doesn’t have to be a perfect shot. Feed stores will order chicks for customers. It is possible, if you payed a lot more for the white one, that it is a left over from someone’s previous order. Talk to the feed store and ask what hatchery they get their birds from. Cackle and I think Meyers sell true Ameraucanas.
Just saw your pic as I was typing. That second bird is a typical EE.

Before purchase, I called to ask what they had for sale. At the time they had nothing for sale, but said they were getting in a batch of EE babies (all “pullets”) that afternoon. When I showed up to purchase them (for $4.00 ea) all the chicks were orange or darker, except for this one solid yellow one. The salesman called this one yellow one a “Buff Orpington”. (I know, now, that he was just either ignorant or was trying to fool me, because it’s obviously NOT an Orpington). I’ve just found it hard to find solid white EE when scouring the Internet for comparison photos, and it made me wonder if there was a mix-up of some kind. I’ve been most perplexed, though, about whether it’s male or female.
Really... i purchased americauna chicks straight run from tractor supply online, i got a pure white one,male. Im super excited to learn more about breeds. All i ever had was barred rock, orpington and leghorns.

Check the spelling though hatcherys sell Americaunas which are in fact Easter Eggers. Ameraucanas are the real deal and will always be sold by variety and much higher price.

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