Jun 20, 2014 #113 LucyWilk3 Hatching 6 Years Sep 18, 2013 6 0 7 Jacksonville, FL these are my Ameraucana girls Genevieve and Sue. The two struttin' sisters.
Jun 21, 2014 #114 Shanty In the Brooder 9 Years Jul 4, 2010 93 19 41 Canutillo Texas Our EEs came from Ideal (the Ks) and Murray McM (the Ps): Hank (as in Williams) Harry (the Houdini) Harald (AKA the "where's my tail?" cockerel) Hiawatha (the brave) Babs (the beautiful) Barbara Jean Becky
Our EEs came from Ideal (the Ks) and Murray McM (the Ps): Hank (as in Williams) Harry (the Houdini) Harald (AKA the "where's my tail?" cockerel) Hiawatha (the brave) Babs (the beautiful) Barbara Jean Becky
Jun 21, 2014 #115 12littlechicks In the Brooder 5 Years May 28, 2014 77 2 41 Virginia My lavender Americana
Jul 31, 2014 #117 nikmetz In the Brooder 5 Years May 20, 2014 22 0 24 https://www.backyardchickens.com/content/type/61/id/6498680/width/200/height/400[/IM This is MY BLACKY
https://www.backyardchickens.com/content/type/61/id/6498680/width/200/height/400[/IM This is MY BLACKY