An open letter to the cats....

Thats great! How true it is!!

I keep telling people cats were kicked off a UFO onto the planet Earth when they got too uppity for their former associates. Nobody believes me!

I believe you!!!!
My best friend had a cat named Porkchop that I swear, waited to die until she left home forever. And I don't mean, moved out to go to college. No, cause she would still go home for the summer. Porkie didn't die until right after (like 2 weeks after) my friend got her first "real" job and moved into an apartment that she had to pay for.

You've been at my house haven't you?? I HATE the peeing on the wet towel thing, 10 years now and they still haven't broke hubby from leaving his wet clothing or towels on the floor
I mean REALLY!!! The lazy little ingrates were BORN WITH FUR COATS! You would think a little cold would be no problem. Sheesh!

In contrast, the nastier, wetter and colder it gets, the more fun my ducks are having playing in their swimming pool. Nobody is in the least bit interested in the covered pen or the igloo. Gotta love ducks
thank god, seriously i thought this was only my cat and it was cuz shes mad at me.... she IS mad cuz she is outside again for the duration of the pregnancy, but it is becuase No One else will clean her litter box, and i am not allowed to, (yes i know i can use gloves etc, but i m not gonna, she likes outside)

She will meow at the door for food, you go out with a cup full of cat chow and guess what? her bowl is still full, then In Plain View of whoever has her food cup, she will Pounce and grab her mouse and chew on it. like, "ha-ha, made you look like an idiot" i swear she finds a mouse/rat/mole whatever and Plants it by the door just for this purpose! (little does she know, its her JOB to eat those things AnD shes saving me money!) silly kitty.

great letters btw
Growing up in MI the first words out of our mouths each year when we woke up to the first snow was "It snowed! Get the cats!" We'd then toss them outside and watch them as they tried to keep all 4 paws at once from getting cold or wet. Silly things, they were fine with the snow 5 months before
They'd have to readjust ever year.

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