Another “How do I get my chickens to sleep in the coop” Question


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Sep 1, 2021
Atlanta, GA
I know we get too many of these questions, but here’s my situation:

I added two pullets (now 12 weeks old) to my two 3.5 year old BO 3 weeks ago. Two weeks of “See no touch” with the babies in the extended run and the big girls in their coop/attached run set up.

Last weekend I integrated the two groups, which went well except a few mild dust-ups. I left the “gates” between the coop and extended run open so they could sleep where they wanted, and escape bullying if necessary. Now the OG BO sleep in the coop and the New Girls sleep under the coop. I am also able to close the gate so it’s secure at night. I don’t really care where they sleep, but it will eventually feel like winter here and I’d like them to be roosting in the coop.

It’s not a matter of the OG BO bullying them (at least not yet), I haven’t even seen the little ones go up into the coop. Of course I’m not there to watch during the day. I could grab them at night and place them into the coop, but the suckers sleep in the far back corner, 4’ from the opening, and the coop is only 22” off the ground.

Any suggestions to get them to realize there’s a comfy coop before the temps drop in a week or two ? Preferably suggestions that won’t end up with my PJ clad a$$ on “America’s Funniest Home Videos” because my neighbor’s living room has a direct view of any shenanigans.

And just so it’s covered, yes my coop is small (4X4’, previously held 3 chickens), but their attached run is 4X8’ and the extended run is 4X20’ at the side of our house.
My recent pullets had no interest in the coop until I started putting them in there. After about five days (some caught on within one, others took longer) of placing them on the roosts, they all got used to the routine of sleeping inside. They just need a little help figuring it out sometimes.
My recent pullets had no interest in the coop until I started putting them in there. After about five days (some caught on within one, others took longer) of placing them on the roosts, they all got used to the routine of sleeping inside. They just need a little help figuring it out sometimes.
Thanks, it’s the crawling under the coop to wrangle them part I’m not keen on. Pretty sure my 6’5” hubby won’t do it either 😬
Can we get a pic? Might be able to come up with something from there
Sure. This is an odd angle (I took it from inside), but they’ve been sleeping along the back on the right side by the sliding “gate” I close at night.
Well the 2 young ones still insist on sleeping in a cuddle puddle on the ground under the coop. I’ve seen them go into the coop during the day when the big girls aren’t around, but they won’t roost in there even after the BO go to bed.

I don’t want them sleeping outside as the weather gets cooler, and I also don’t want them laying eggs back there 😢
Tough with the way you've got the extra run attached.
The only thing I can think of is to put the older birds in a separate enclosure for a week or two so the youngers get used to roosting in this coop. There are few good solutions with such a small space.

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