Another chicken breed poll!

Which should I get?

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Sussex have easily become one of my favorite breeds. My Speckled girls were extremely friendly and one of the only breeds I've owned that I'd consider a "lap chicken". They were some of my most reliable layers and come in many beautiful color variations. Speckled is my personal favorite.
Have all of your speckled Sussexs been friendly? I have one right now, she is tame but not friendly. She has no objection to me picking her up at all, but she would never jump in my lap or sleep in it. Maybe I got a dud😂
How you spell it makes a world of difference, because it will be the difference between two completely separate breeds. Or rather, one breed and one pretend-breed. The spelling of the real breed is "Ameraucana", they have a breed standard and lay only blue eggs. Any other spellings (and I mean any possible variation thereof) all mean the chicken is an Easter Egger, which is a mutt of different breeds crossed together, which can lay any color egg (usually it's a surprise until they start laying). They have no breed standard and the chickens themselves can be any color as well. Breeders misspell the name on purpose, because they can't call it by the real name if it's not the real breed, and by spelling it just a little off, they get out of the "copyright" issue, while relying on people's bad spelling (and bad attention to detail) to trick them into thinking they are getting the real thing. Because the real thing is quite expensive, so they can ask more money that way, for something that's basically a mutt... So, pay attention to the spelling if you want the pretty blue eggs.
Have all of your speckled Sussexs been friendly? I have one right now, she is tame but not friendly. She has no objection to me picking her up at all, but she would never jump in my lap or sleep in it. Maybe I got a dud😂
How you are describing your sussex is considered “friendly” in the chicken world. Chickens are prey and being held goes against every natural instinct they have. It triggers their flight and fear reflex. A chicken that likes to be held is the exception not the rule. A friendly chicken is one that is docile around other chickens and doesn’t run away when you walk by. A chicken wanting to be held or cuddled is a completely different ball game and one that doesn’t particularly enjoy being held well that should never count against them or cause them to be labeled not friendly.
Sussex or Orpington. I absolutely love both breeds. My Sussex runs up to me every time she sees me and lays lovely brown eggs. My Orpingtons are also friendly and good layers. My Jubile Orpington and Speckled Sussex are my favorite girls.
My Orpington is the only one of my chickens that will consistently hop up onto my lap to just lay down and hang out with me. My Brahmas are both pretty friendly, although one is a bit weird.

However my friendliest chicken is definitely my Plymouth rock. She follows me around, is the first to come running when she sees me, and is just an absolutely great chicken. I would highly recommend considering getting one.

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