Another crazy chicken lady here


May 18, 2020
Fredericksburg VA
So, I decided to use the lockdown to make some dreams come true. I live on two acres surrounded by corn fields and I’ve wanted chickens forever. I started in March 2020 with 5 Silver Wyandotte’s and 4 Cinnamon Queens. I fell in love. Two weeks ago while at the supply store an employee uttered the words “I think we have silkies” and it went downhill from there. lol I came home with one black Silkie, one bantam Americauna and some type of silkie hybrid. The silkie and I bonded immediately and two days later, on Mother’s Day, my sons presented me with an order for 10 more silkies. They arrived last Wednesday. I have 2 black, a blue, 4 splash (I think not paint?) and 2 partridge (or maybe buff?) one partridge didn’t make it (she was gone when they arrived 😢) and one of the blacks arrived teeeeeny tiny and with straddle leg. After about the first 15 minutes, thankfully I noticed and went searching for help. Which led me to this forum and we made a hobble and Little Foot is already back in the brooder sans brace! What a little fighter! I’m excited to have found such a great resource so soon into this new adventure!
Thank you! I’m so glad we were able to help her. So, I was told the black ones were Wyandottes? Not so? lol The last picture is Sheriff Hopper and he just started crowing this morning. lol 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ However, are you saying you see others for sure in my big girls? lol 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
The second picture is a cockerel. The center PBR in the first picture is a cockerel. Not sure if it's the same bird.

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