
May 23, 2021
Wasilla, Alaska
It appears one of my 3 year olds has a prolapsed vent. How do I treat it? I noticed her acting odd yesterday but my entire flock is sick so I figured it was that, I noticed her butt COVERED in poop and blood today so I went to check it, thought it was just poop so I brought her inside to clean it off and as it was washing off it started to feel fleshy. I can still see her vent opening, there’s nothing coming out of it no flesh attached to it or anything but that big fleshy chunk is right below it. What do I do? She’s still eating, drinking and fighting back against my bathing

Note; we do not have antibiotics here, they’ve been removed from all the store shelves. Shipping takes AT LEAST 3 days, it can take up to 2 months.


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It seems she is much too far gone. I tried nudging it in gently whenever she took a breath in and she keeps gasping a TON and can hardly stand. She had a warm 30 minute epsom salt soak before it and I rubbed hydrocortisone all over it before trying. It seems the best I can do is give her CBD and baby aspirin and let her pass peacefully inside with a heater
Okay I gave her a half dropper of childrens Motrin. If she survives the night I’m going to call the vet and ask how much it would be to treat it. If it’s too much I’m going to see how much it’ll be to euthanize (it was 117$ last time but I don’t know if they checked her first for illness or not) a chicken, nothing else just the euthanasia. I’m really hoping they can help her :( I love her a lot. But her eggs are massive(measured one at 2inches wide), I feel like I might just happen again
Sadly, this often happens to older high performance hybrids as they start laying too early and their eggs are too many and too big thus damaging the birds reproductive tract severely as they try to push them out.

Read up the broomstick method (dislocation of the spinal chord) which is the way for beginners to help the bird out of its misery.

I much prefer to use a iron rod on the back of their neck while holding them gently with my other arm (their head facing front).

The first blow leaves them unconcious and then I immediately use a cleaver, so no suffering and separating the head insures immediate death.
Please don’t use CBD on the hen. How old is she? Does she lay eggs? I would give her a warm soak daily in soapy water, saline or Epsom salts which can help heal the prolapse. Keep it moist 24/7 with honey, vaseline, or any non-toxic oil or ointment. Give a hum calcium tablet which may help with muscle contraction. Is she able to poop? It can take days to a week for some prolapses to go back in. Keep her in a low light area to hoping stop her laying temporarily.
Please don’t use CBD on the hen. How old is she? Does she lay eggs? I would give her a warm soak daily in soapy water, saline or Epsom salts which can help heal the prolapse. Keep it moist 24/7 with honey, vaseline, or any non-toxic oil or ointment. Give a hum calcium tablet which may help with muscle contraction. Is she able to poop? It can take days to a week for some prolapses to go back in. Keep her in a low light area to hoping stop her laying temporarily.
The CBD is made for dogs, which I’ve looked into and found safe for chickens as well. Is that not true?
She did but not now. She used to lay massive eggs which is likely the cause… I found out her prolapse has gone fully necrotic so there’s nothing we can do anymore
In case you have to put her down, you can use carbon monoxide by putting her in a box and connecting it to the car exhaust. If it is well-sealed, it only takes 30 seconds. A peaceful death for her. Hope she does okay, though, and gets better!
In case you have to put her down, you can use carbon monoxide by putting her in a box and connecting it to the car exhaust. If it is well-sealed, it only takes 30 seconds. A peaceful death for her. Hope she does okay, though, and gets better!
I’ve heard that can be super painful :( I used to until I heard more about it. We’re contemplating dropping her off at the vet but it’s 60$ so it’s a hard choice. Worst comes to worst I’ll call up a friend to do the… other way. But thank you ♥️

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