Anti-Chicken people - a vent

This is just another sad case of how most people have become soooo disconnected from their heritage, and the knowledge of where food really comes from. not to mention how the MSM (main stream media) continues to keep blowing smoke up our backsidee$.

Just yesterday i was at ace hardware getting some chicken wire and some other stuff for the coup and garden. So i grab what im looking for and head to the checkout. Then as i'm checking out, the female cashier who was probably abt 17 or 18 looks at me and says "oh, you trying to keep rabbits out huh?" I say "no, This is actually for my chickens" She then says (i kid you not) "eeewwww, you have chickens?!?, Don't they all have diseases or something?!?" I then got my best "if looks could kill look on my face" and said " are much more likely to catch a disease from your BOYFRIEND than from MY chickens" and with that i grabbed my stuff and walked quietly out. I swear some people just need to be slapped

I get that all the time, beware the life threatening CHICKEN DISEASE!!!! People are always saying things like, "What are you doing with chickens, aren't you afraid of all those germs?" People please! The funny thing is it's mostly my in laws saying those things. Now they want to know if they can have some eggs when the girls start laying. Not with that attitude you can't.
that would hurt , start following her around calling her 2nd best.....get it a step mother......i do not allow my kids to call my husbands stepmother any thing but by her first name in repect to his dead mother.
Personally I'd give her the metaphorical middle finger. How you raise your children is your business, not hers.

Two of my favourite quotes from idiots are
Idiot 1: "are you going to eat their eggs?"
Me: "yes, of course"
Idiot 1: "Urgh! But they came from your chickens bum!"

And the other -
Idiot 2: "are you going to get rid of your chickens now?"
Me: "of course not, why are you asking?"
Idiot 2: "but you're going to give everyone bird flu!"

Hey Chick...Give her the first ones when your girls are just learning how it all works. You know....the ones that are all covered in poo!!!! lol Tink:)
I got that all the time from the neighbours when we first took them home and actually kept them...Then when Slifer was all screwed up and crowed and her feet were all crooked, they thought she was diseased. When I told them that it was a birth defect, they thought I was lying...especially when I said that it was a birth defect like your kid having CP...didn't go over well...
Then when Slifer died, Mike's best friend's mother was like "It died,In the House?!" Well where the heck was a beloved pet gonna die?! In the toilet? Out in the yard?
And when I took Slifer and Obelisk into my store in a cart lined with newspaper with their leashes on...lots of folks came over to pat them and talk to us about them.
But I found out the next day, that a customer complained about why were "Those dirty things" in a store. The manager who was on duty that day who was a great guy told the woman that they were pets and they had every right to be in the store. She said that she could've gotten "Parrot Fever" from them and that she was going to sue. Brian basically told her she was an idiot and hung up on her. LOL She hadn't even gone near them, nor even looked at them...she was in line being checked out when we came in...
My best friend came up last year and her daughter basically stood on the back of the couch screaming until I put them back on the porch...My best friend is a neat freak who washes the dishes before she puts them in the washer and cleans the house everyday.
Some folks will never ever get it...but I'm glad, because that means there's more chickens for the rest of us to love.
The Old Bat, my MIL started moo-ing about my husband "catching" cancer from "snorting" chicken poo.
After I got done laughing at the image of DH blading a line of chunky wet chicken poo on a mirror I explained that I was the one who cleaned the coops.
The next week a package came to the house addressed to DH with ONE super duper toxic waste-proof very expensive mask with all kinds of filters for the bug nose filtration system.
We got a call from her asking if DH got HIS mask. I guess I know where I stand. Hehehe
I remember a couple years ago when I bought free range eggs at the grocery store, and the bagger saw that they were "cage free"...and said, "Eww! That's disgusting!!" And I then told her how factory farm chickens are kept, and how they lived in the waste from the hens above them, etc. Even the cashier chimed in, but the stupid girl was not to be deterred. As far as she was concerned, chickens belonged in a cage.

I have 5-day old chicks, my first-ever chickens. Everyone has been really excited and interested, even my Martha Stewart-like, dog-hating mother-in-law (she's afraid of my dogs and doesn't get the whole owning pets thing). Surprisingly, though, my dog show friends think having chickens the funniest, most ridiculous thing ever. I talked to two of them when they were in the car on the way home from a show last week, and told them that I was getting chicks. I was very excited to share the news. They both burst out laughing, and told me how chickens were dirty, smelly, reptilian creatures who would peck my hands off when I tried to get an egg. My friends know I'm a vegetarian, and yet they couldn't help but ask if I was going to eat them (my chickens, not the eggs). It really hurt my feelings, especially coming from two-animal loving friends. Sometimes people just suck.

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