Any advice on my coop? - in progress

How do you plan to access the run? I only see a gate on the outside. No people access from coop?

Also. There is a gap under your coop. You will want to put up HWC there to prevent the chickens (or other critters) from getting under the coop. Assuming you have a floor in the shed, now coop, you probably need to put HWC around all 4 sides. That will also prevent critters from getting under & then eating up through the wood floor.

I was thinking for ventilation removing the whole triangle spot between the roof peak & edges of roof. I don't know how that would work when the roof ends at the edge of walls, though, allowing no protection. Guess it depends on which direction (s) wind/snow/rain come from...

I've figured out how to use drawing feature on my phone, so have re-attached your pic.
There will be a door with HWC right in the middle where there is currently nothing. Building the door currently.

I have put HWC around all four sides of the shed and have HWC on the floor of the chicken run, but I didn’t not do vertically down around the coop as I didn’t think critters could eat through hardwood? Should I have it vertically down or is the wrap around the shed / coop okay?

I was thinking for ventilation to take out that glass window and just replace with HWC or put an actually window in there where I can open and close, would that be enough ventilation?

Thank you!


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I would not put hardware cloth on the floor of the run, even if you are going to cover it with dirt or bedding material. Hardware cloth is hard on their delicate feet. Chickens scratch and dust bathe in the dirt and bedding and sometimes dig pretty deep holes. Also, galvanized hardware cloth does eventually rust and come apart which would make it even more dangerous.

While a window that opens would be nice in the summer, most of the ventilation (1 square foot per bird) should be permanent and in an area that keeps drafts from hitting the birds in the coop. It needs to be open all day, every day, winter included. That's why we recommend opening up the soffits.
I would not put hardware cloth on the floor of the run, even if you are going to cover it with dirt or bedding material. Hardware cloth is hard on their delicate feet. Chickens scratch and dust bathe in the dirt and bedding and sometimes dig pretty deep holes. Also, galvanized hardware cloth does eventually rust and come apart which would make it even more dangerous.

While a window that opens would be nice in the summer, most of the ventilation (1 square foot per bird) should be permanent and in an area that keeps drafts from hitting the birds in the coop. It needs to be open all day, every day, winter included. That's why we recommend opening up the soffits.
What if I have 2 feet or more of dirt and sand above the hardwire cloth? I have it in there already and I am fine if I have to replace it later on due to the rust.

Okay sounds great thank you!
What if I have 2 feet or more of dirt and sand above the hardwire cloth? I have it in there already and I am fine if I have to replace it later on due to the rust.

Okay sounds great thank you!
If you put 2 feet of dirt and sand on it it would be spilling and bulging out the side walls. Are you thinking of digging down 2 feet?
If you put 2 feet of dirt and sand on it it would be spilling and bulging out the side walls. Are you thinking of digging down 2 feet?
I tried to dig two feet down but unfortunately there is some concrete from the previous owner from a pool I believe. But if I put 2 feet of dirt and sand and have something to keep it in, will that work?
This is anecdotal and just my experience, but I have found that providing a designated dust bathing space inside the run has prevented my chickens from digging almost entirely. The times they have done any digging, the holes were definitely less than 12" deep.

This pic is from the camera I have set up in the run (I have chicks in part of it right now, which is why that gate is in there, but I outlined the dust bath in green - the rest of the run is wood chips).
This is anecdotal and just my experience, but I have found that providing a designated dust bathing space inside the run has prevented my chickens from digging almost entirely. The times they have done any digging, the holes were definitely less than 12" deep.
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This pic is from the camera I have set up in the run (I have chicks in part of it right now, which is why that gate is in there, but I outlined the dust bath in green - the rest of the run is wood chips).
I love this! Thank you so much. What a great idea on how you did it. I love your chicken run. Thank you for this advice huge help!

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