Any artists out there?

This is my dream hobby farm:
-20-40 chickens
-rooster rescue!
-ducks! 10-20
-aviary with quail, pigeons, other small birds (maybe 30 birds?)
-3 sheep
-2 goats
-3 house rabbits
-3 cats
-1+ dog to be a livestock guard dog
-1+ pet/companion dog
this is of course all on a giant property in the country where nobody can complain about the incessant rooster crowing (preferably somewhere in maine)
I want to move to maine as well, it is so beautiful out there and there isn't as much BS. My dream is:

3 horses
6 sheep
9 goat
all kinds of pigeons, including blue crowned
16 quail
30 each poultry bird
20 each waterfowl
aviary with all kinds of exotic parrots and birds like eclectus and toucans
10 cats
20 dogs
24 bats
12 cows
2 white tigers
2 wolves, not sure what type
3 foxes
5 ostriches
16 kangaroos
2 maned wolves (stilt foxes)

What I have currently:
30+ rats
20+ mice
100 + large & small fish
3 pigeons
1 chicken
2 legless lizards
8 dogs
10 snakes
1 tarantula
1 nile monitor
3 cats
1 tortoise
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