Any artists out there?

Oh okay... so you must copyright your art if you want to post?

That's not quite how it works. Once you draw something, it's your intellectual property. You made it, it's yours. You "own" the copyright to it already.
But many websites say things like "If you post a picture here, we have the right to replicate it whenever we want wherever we want" so they can use it for things like advertisement and such. So when you post it there you give that website the rights to use your work that's posted there however they see fit.
Getting a REGISTERED copyright is an additional step you can take to protect your work and usually costs money and it basically just makes a legal record of it. Even if an image has a registered copyright if you post it to a website like DA, they still receive the rights to your work. You grant them those rights just by posting - it's written into their terms of service. So you either give them rights to your work or you don't post. Which sucks and it's why a lot of aritsts move to other websites.

what about Tumblr... familiar with that by any chance?

I am. I don't know much about the copyright rules but I'd imagine they're similar. I think even BYC has a version of it, but I think BYC specifies that they can only reproduce it under specific circumstances, such as screenshots of the website.

what is a non-tabletop roleplay?
A tabletop roleplay is something like D&D, Shadowrun, Fate, Pathfinder, etc. It usually has rules and dice and balanced enemies and character levels and such.
A non tabletop roleplay would be something like a forum roleplay like the wolf and cats roleplays on this site. I haven't done one of those in ages. I'm just less interested in exploring those social settings in a fictional environment in that way than I used to be.
That's not quite how it works. Once you draw something, it's your intellectual property. You made it, it's yours. You "own" the copyright to it already.
But many websites say things like "If you post a picture here, we have the right to replicate it whenever we want wherever we want" so they can use it for things like advertisement and such. So when you post it there you give that website the rights to use your work that's posted there however they see fit.
Getting a REGISTERED copyright is an additional step you can take to protect your work and usually costs money and it basically just makes a legal record of it. Even if an image has a registered copyright if you post it to a website like DA, they still receive the rights to your work. You grant them those rights just by posting - it's written into their terms of service. So you either give them rights to your work or you don't post. Which sucks and it's why a lot of aritsts move to other websites.

I am. I don't know much about the copyright rules but I'd imagine they're similar. I think even BYC has a version of it, but I think BYC specifies that they can only reproduce it under specific circumstances, such as screenshots of the website.

A tabletop roleplay is something like D&D, Shadowrun, Fate, Pathfinder, etc. It usually has rules and dice and balanced enemies and character levels and such.
A non tabletop roleplay would be something like a forum roleplay like the wolf and cats roleplays on this site. I haven't done one of those in ages. I'm just less interested in exploring those social settings in a fictional environment in that way than I used to be.
Thank you soo much @ChocolateMouse, no wonder they call DA toxic, thank you for clearing that up, there are many artists that I would love to share my work with, but these days you can never be too careful on the internet.
Thank you soo much @ChocolateMouse, no wonder they call DA toxic, thank you for clearing that up, there are many artists that I would love to share my work with, but these days you can never be too careful on the internet.

Honestly, it's not why they call DA toxic. They call DA toxic because of a combination of people who can't handle criticism at all and people who dish it out too freely. There's a lot of not-great pictures on DA, and a lot of people who won't hesitate to tell you some awful things if you post something bad for fun instead of scrolling past and letting someone be a cringey teenager. People who will absolutely take a picture, your feelings, etc. and tear it to SHREDS.
On the other hand... There's some REALLY, TRULY bad pictures on there and people who can't understand why their edgey OC they drew in MS paint is unpopular. :p You can tell those people think everyone should be like their mom and say "That's so nice honey! Let's hang it on the fridge!" and if they get even some feedback as simple as "try not to draw anime, it looks bad and doesn't make you better" they flip out.
The conflict between those two groups is pretty intense. There's a LOT of mob behavior as a result, of cringey over-sensitive artists being like "It's ok hunney your art is the best!" and people who don't care about hurt feelings being like "Sorry. But no, it's actually bad and you should feel bad for making it". Mass reporting and flaming, etc. It's a mess IMO.

Personally, I just post pictures and reply to comments and that's it. I avoid the social groups and that helps a lot. But if you're looking for a community that doesn't work out very well.... Some specific private communities on DA are better than others.

But the copyright issue is why I, specifically, don't use DA too much. I mostly use it for doodles, art challenges, etc. that I don't care about. Also worth noting, chances are good it won't matter if you post there. Neither you nor I draw well enough for DA to actually want to use our pictures for anything. :p

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