Any artists out there?

Magic... now, thats an interesting concept!!!! :idunno
Did you know.... art can be a LEARNED thing!? It, like so many other things takes lots of practice! Like I tell my kids.... Everyday is a gift to do a couple things....One thing you should do is LEARN something new... the other is PRACTICE what you've learned! Some people are naturally gifted at drawing or painting.... some people, they need more practice than others. JUST KEEP at it! You CAN learn how to do it!
This generation of kids are an instant gratification generation..... if they don't get it right away, they just CANT do it.... (drives me crazy):he
Watch some videos.... send me a message if need be.... get to REALLY know the medium you like working in. It doesn't take as long as you would think... but, it still takes time. the magic is.... you! :love
Wow, so, so inspirational, i would love to draw more people, but... eyes are my problem, and lips in some views.

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