Any artists out there?

I did a thing. Now I need it to dry.

Full piece.

A section close up.
hello! here's a little ink painting i did a while back. when i have time, i sketch or make little objects with clay. i try to keep up with inktober52, if you are familiar with that (artist group on IG with weekly prompts).
sometimes i sell things i make, but mostly it's just for my own enjoyment 😊
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I know it isn't perfect but it's as done as I'm gonna do it. I started this back in April, when my sister was supposed to have surgery. I was making a picture of her character coming to visit her in the hospital, but the surgery was cancelled. Anyway, this is Hal, as a teenager, and Humperdinck his service dog.
This is great!
I haven’t been drawing much, sadly, I’ve been pretty busy. But here’s a few recent ones I don’t think I’ve posted here before!
I was testing out drawings for a new phone case, and the first one won by far.

And something other than a horse 😱 I’m surprised the universe didn’t implode when I drew it.

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