Any Gamers Here?

You work based on body shape and face shape. Now lets say someone has a more square shaped face as you described. Their head will always be a circle. No one I've ever met has a flat head. So start with a circle. Draw a square along the diameter of the circle. Draw a triangle around the median of the square. Basic shapes make up a lot of things.
I would draw more people, but if you could give me tips to help boost my confidence, I would like that!
Yes. I occasionally try to do more realistic things, but not usually anything more than eye and lip sketches.
You work based on body shape and face shape. Now lets say someone has a more square shaped face as you described. Their head will always be a circle. No one I've ever met has a flat head. So start with a circle. Draw a square along the diameter of the circle. Draw a triangle around the median of the square. Basic shapes make up a lot of things.
The more things that you can break down into basic shapes, the better. Limbs and fingers are cylinders, palms and feet are squares and rectangles, the body is made up of squares, etc..
Yes. I occasionally try to do more realistic things, but not usually anything more than eye and lip sketches.

The more things that you can break down into basic shapes, the better. Limbs and fingers are cylinders, palms and feet are squares and rectangles, the body is made up of squares, etc..
Really, that's all!?
wow, i really need help...
I would draw more people, but if you could give me tips to help boost my confidence, I would like that!
Eyes are really important to get right. They express the face and emotion. In drawing anime eyes are really simple and only convey 6 emotions, happiness, placidness, anger, sadness, extreme glee and complete depression. All without miruge(eyebrows) the eyebrows, mouths and cheeks allow more demonstrative emotion. But when it comes to drawing real things the eyes are much more. They are the most expressive point of the face.

Either way if you are open to constructive criticism (i.e. i wont say you suck and not give advice) post some of your work and I'll critique it. Critiques should always be constructive, meaning how you can improve. Its not a game of narcissistic complements. You can always PM me if you are shy about sharing your work. The most important thing is for you to always practice!

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