Any hatchery/breeder that has sexed bantams?


May 4, 2022
SE Texas
Does anyone know of a place where I can get sexed bantams other than Meyer's? I'm mainly looking for a female Mille Fleur d'Uccle and Meyer's won't have any available for another 6 months! I looked at many of the popular hatcheries, but they only sell them in straight runs. I'm not sure if there's any local breeders here in Texas that have them either.
Cackle has a few select breeds as bantam females (I think like 5 can be ordered sexed). They also have a small order special with a variety pack of bantam females.
I know MyPetChicken has sexed bantams, d'Uccles being one of them. Not sure on their wait time. Besides Meyers and MPC, I don't know any large hatcheries that sell sexed d'Uccles.

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