Any Home Bakers Here?

My sister is diabetic and they told her not to drink skim milk as it raises blood sugar due to more carbs.

Interesting. We were just wondering about that. She's been in hospital and her blood sugars are bad again (type 2) and one of the other patients was drinking skim that also had diabetes so we thought that must have been better. Good to hear no before she changed. What she normally drinks is low fat which is sort of between regular and skim. It's very confusing and she is still learning.

Hands feeling better now. I still can feel I've done it but the burning pain has gone. Think one finger is going to blister though. Interesting about the canning jars 3goodeggs. These said they were preserving jars but from a dollar store so probably not really canning jars at all. They aren't particularly thick glass.
Interesting. We were just wondering about that. She's been in hospital and her blood sugars are bad again (type 2) and one of the other patients was drinking skim that also had diabetes so we thought that must have been better. Good to hear no before she changed. What she normally drinks is low fat which is sort of between regular and skim. It's very confusing and she is still learning.

Hands feeling better now. I still can feel I've done it but the burning pain has gone. Think one finger is going to blister though. Interesting about the canning jars 3goodeggs. These said they were preserving jars but from a dollar store so probably not really canning jars at all. They aren't particularly thick glass.

Does she watch her sugars pretty closely? Is she on insulin? I know diabetes and heart disease kind of go hand in hand. My mom had both. If there's heart disease I imagine it would be best to stick with 1% milk.
Does she watch her sugars pretty closely? Is she on insulin? I know diabetes and heart disease kind of go hand in hand. My mom had both. If there's heart disease I imagine it would be best to stick with 1% milk.

She is still learning the ropes (not on insulin). Her blood sugars were all within the good range before the trip to hospital but now they are way too high again. She can't eat a lot of foods due to UC so had been eating the vegetarian meals in there but she said that most of them were rice which I'm sure I'd seen was bad for blood sugar too when I was coming up with the freezer meals for her.
Hi everyone! I recently got into baking (about a year ago) and really enjoy it. My specialty seems to be cupcakes! I mostly make deserts, but got a grilling book and would love to try some of the recipes! I'm also excited to look through all the recipes that have been posted here as well, though it might take a while. :) I don't bake all of the time, but find it very relaxing when I do, so I hope to share some of my experiences and recipes here! :D
So it's pissing down rain here (trying not to flood) so not much to do but cook really (or clean but what's the fun in that!). So I'm off to the index to find something new to try :)
but she said that most of them were rice which I'm sure I'd seen was bad for blood sugar too when I was coming up with the freezer meals for her.
Rice is low GI, I think. While she is admitted would be a good opportunity to get a dietician to consult on her diet. It's harder when you've got 2 conditions, I expect.
Well my cooking day had a little setback as we've been without power the last few hours. Trying to decide if I trust it enough to cook something now.

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