Any Home Bakers Here?

Who wants to hear a creepy story I came up with? It’s close to Halloween so I thought I would do this.

I’m going to warn you right now, this post is a little graphic. I’m not posting a picture because of how graphic it is. It’s still pretty funny, though, at least in my own opinion.

I was out hunting today, and I shot a male mallard. I saw it go down. I went to retrieve it. When I grabbed it and pulled it out of the water, I was very shocked.

His head was gone. I blew it right off.

I bet you his spirit is searching the pond, haunting all the hunters who come by, searching for his head.

This is the new story, of the headless duck.
my mom makes everything gluten-free. I bet a pizza crust would be so easy. it's not like bread making (my mom still hasn't figured out a good bread recipe, why aren't there more gluten free recipes?)
Me and my mom are math genuises too! welcome to the group!
I made a gluten free bread a few years back for my niece, and had to make sure it wasn't gross. It was really yummy! It's recipe #157 in the breads recipe index.
I made a gluten free bread a few years back for my niece, and had to make sure it wasn't gross. It was really yummy! It's recipe #157 in the breads recipe index.
will look at that right now! I need to tell mom I found a recipe! she'll be so happy! :celebrate
Who wants to hear a creepy story I came up with? It’s close to Halloween so I thought I would do this.

I’m going to warn you right now, this post is a little graphic. I’m not posting a picture because of how graphic it is. It’s still pretty funny, though, at least in my own opinion.

I was out hunting today, and I shot a male mallard. I saw it go down. I went to retrieve it. When I grabbed it and pulled it out of the water, I was very shocked.

His head was gone. I blew it right off.

I bet you his spirit is searching the pond, haunting all the hunters who come by, searching for his head.

This is the new story, of the headless duck.

Quite a story.

Good hunting.

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