Any Home Bakers Here?

Has anyone here made tomato jam? Or, I should ask, does anyone here like tomato jam?

I've never had any, but I still have some ripe tomatoes, and I don't need to can any more.
Have you made tomato stew with equal parts ripe, partially ripe and green tomatoes?

Have you made Green Tomato Relish?

Have you canned tomato juice?

The list goes on.
Do you have a recipe? That sounds good!
Tomato Stew - Canned

Equal amounts of ripe, partially ripe and green tomatoes to fill a 6 qt. saucepan.
3 large bell peppers
1 medium onion
1 cup water

Scald and peel the ripe and partially ripe tomatoes. The green tomatoes may be peeled or left as is but do not need to be scalded. Section tomatoes into sauce pan. Core and remove seeds from bell peppers. Cut into pieces and add to sauce pan. Peel and slice onion into sauce pan.

Add the water to the sauce pan. Bring mixture up to a boil and cook for approximately 20 minutes while occasionally stirring.

Prepare jars and lids and rings.

When stew is ready, ladle into prepared jars adding 1 tsp. salt to each quart before sealing. After placing lid and tightly closing the ring on the jar, turn jar upside down on counter until cool. Check to see that lids have sealed (depressed inward) after jars are cool.

Makes approximately 5 quarts.

Store until ready to use. Empty jar into to sauce pan. Add 1 to 2 tbsps. butter or margarine. Sweeten to taste (I use 1 cup sugar or sucralose per quart). May add browned ground meat if desired and serve over toast.
I’m stressed out of my mind tonight, because of my grandfather. Him being in the hospital is really doing an emotional number on me. I’m very worried about him. I know he’s in good hands at the hospital, and that they know how to deal with people with dementia, but it’s still unsettling.

Because I’m so stressed, I’m gonna make some cheese. I’m gonna make something called Fromage Blanc.
I love Lady Grey from Twinning, also Kusmi tea tropical white, and Sirocco Jasmin tea, I don’t have such a big selection, I now know what I like and only „stock“ my favorites 😅

I have found the following teas just lately:
Twinings Chai French Vanilla

Bigelow Salted Caramel
Creamy Vanilla

Have either of you tried Darjeeling? I usually oscillate between that and Earl Grey for my morning cup, with a little more variety in the decafs.

Jared, for herb tea, I really like lemon ginger. Or chamomile.

Sending my best for your Grandfather.
+1 Lemon Ginger, it is excellent with honey!

I am also fond of Apple Cinnamon. I’d recommend rooibos too, but I’m not sure if that counts as an herbal or not.
I used to drink rooibos tea too, but got kind of tired if it 🤪 I do like a good darjeeling ( my future son in law lives in India and travelled to the tea plantation, it has a great taste cos they plant it between lemon and orange trees, when they are in bloom, the wind scatters the „perfume“ over the tea leaves and gives them a unique flavor ) but they only sell that kind of tea locally, ever since then I don’t like „regular“ darjeeling anymore 🙈 but I do like apple cinnamon 😉
I do like apple cinnamon
Cinnamon tea made from the sticks of cinnamon is not only good but is helpful for diabetics. Cinnamon contains both good and bad parts. The healthy parts are water soluble while the bad parts are oil soluble. Making the tea with hot water only extracts the good parts.
Tomato Stew - Canned

Equal amounts of ripe, partially ripe and green tomatoes to fill a 6 qt. saucepan.
3 large bell peppers
1 medium onion
1 cup water

Scald and peel the ripe and partially ripe tomatoes. The green tomatoes may be peeled or left as is but do not need to be scalded. Section tomatoes into sauce pan. Core and remove seeds from bell peppers. Cut into pieces and add to sauce pan. Peel and slice onion into sauce pan.

Add the water to the sauce pan. Bring mixture up to a boil and cook for approximately 20 minutes while occasionally stirring.

Prepare jars and lids and rings.

When stew is ready, ladle into prepared jars adding 1 tsp. salt to each quart before sealing. After placing lid and tightly closing the ring on the jar, turn jar upside down on counter until cool. Check to see that lids have sealed (depressed inward) after jars are cool.

Makes approximately 5 quarts.

Store until ready to use. Empty jar into to sauce pan. Add 1 to 2 tbsps. butter or margarine. Sweeten to taste (I use 1 cup sugar or sucralose per quart). May add browned ground meat if desired and serve over toast.
Thanks for the recipe!

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