Any hunters on here?

i don't got really any cool stories for bear hunting of myself (hunted them for 2 seasons this being my third season and only bagged one bear so far)

but for something cool to tell.

okay so i was told that the old time trappers used to shoot bears in the fall for meat and to have a fat supply for the winter, they used to use the fat for lighting lanterns and used it to cook with. the pelts would be sold to market and the meat for a supply in the winter.
That is very true, about using the fat for lanterns. My mom did when she was younger, on the dairy farm
Opening day of turkey season today. Shot him at 5:55 this morning. Which was a good thing because it was 34° with 30mph winds. I was cold.


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Been trying to ambush a big 4+ yr old tom. He hangs out with a dry hen, and follows her around all day. Give one call, and both head the other way. I've been trying to pattern them for the past week. Thought I had em. Passed by at 60 yrds. Next time I used a hen deek and a strutting jake. They seen them and did a about face. Then they roosted 150 yrds below me, and headed in a direction I've never seen them go before. This old boy is really messing with me.

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