Any idea what they are mixed with and/or what is up with their hair??

I want one too!!!!!! They are gorgeous!
yes they are!! Thats a nice camera, all my baby chick pics are blurry. looking forward to getting better shots of mine. Since they dont run off now!



My first 2 pics are of my EE roos, mixed with a Polish or Sultan...the last one is a ? with 5 toes and feathered shanks....
Still don't know what they are, but can't wait for them to grow up...they are 12 weeks in these pics
Lol what characters! I think they're definitely a Polish/EE cross. So far there's nothing that would indicate a roo in either of them.

The five toes shouldn't be present unless there is even more mixing than he told you about, but then again, 5 toes can pop up as a random genetic mutation occassionally. Keep us updated with pics! This one is a cutie!
1. looks like a cockerel
2. pullet as for the cross polish or silkie maybe both..
but I do love them....and she will make a good mom.

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