Any non-lethal fox deterrents that WORK?


7 Years
Apr 17, 2017
Finger Lakes, NY
Hi friends. We have a family of foxes that moved in to our area a few years ago — right at the corner of our & two neighbors’ farms. I feel the foxes have as much right to be here as we do, but they’ve taken turns decimating each of our flocks over the years. We’ve researched rehoming them, but got a large thumbs down from all the wildlife rehabbers in the area. No one will remove/relocate them as it’s essentially a death sentence. I won’t be privy to poisoning or otherwise violently killing animals just trying to exist on this planet where we’ve taken so much of their space away from them already. I tell you all this because I’m not interested in suggestions to kill the foxes.

But I’m also emotionally exhausted from losing chickens.

So my question is has anyone had any successful non-lethal fox deterrents they’ve used to protect their flock?

My chickens have a predator & mostly weather proof run inside a fenced area. They don’t freerange in our larger fields unless we’re outside. I will let them into the fenced yard if we’re home (though they’re still at risk of predator bird attack). I don’t want to keep them locked in the run all year. We’re in an area with severe winters so they always spend half the year in the run.

Thank you for your help!
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Is a Livestock Guardian Dog an option?
Funny thing is we do have a cattle dog. But the foxes don’t seem to consider her an imminent threat. I believe they watch us and only ever attack when we (& dog) go inside. We could *upgrade* (haha) to a dog whose main purpose is guarding. Our one neighbor has a livestock guardian dog to keep watch over their cows & chickens and the fox STILL manage to sneak in & grab their hens.
Foxes are disease vectors, so that is another reason the dept wildlife/rehabbers don’t want to relocate. Foxes are not endangered either, so killing then isn’t causing population/genetics issues. However, in your quest to allow them to coexist, your best bet may be electric fencing strong enough to really zap any foxes good and distinctly that they teach their young to avoid the chicken area. There is a BYC poster in Fl, who had many losses and issues with coyotes and foxes. They moved to large outdoor pens, electric fences, overhead netting, and concrete under the gates (easiest dig point). They also have cameras. They have posted quite a few night photos of these predators no longer coming near the pens, and with young sometimes too-and the young don’t investigate the pens bc they’ve been taught not to mess with those painful (zap!) chickens. Maybe they've recently posted in predator forum under the game cam thread bc I’ve seen their pics there.

Good luck.
Funny thing is we do have a cattle dog. But the foxes don’t seem to consider her an imminent threat. I believe they watch us and only ever attack when we (& dog) go inside. We could *upgrade* (haha) to a dog whose main purpose is guarding. Our one neighbor has a livestock guardian dog to keep watch over their cows & chickens and the fox STILL manage to sneak in & grab their hens.
The foxes will pretend to be playful with the dogs. Then, when the dogs let their guard down the fox will grab a chicken. They are so freaking smart, so you would need a livestock guardian dog that is smarter.

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