Any Oct 6 hatches? (14 CHICKS TOTAL!!! 3 days early! PICS!!!!!)

They are done finally!! Last one just hatched about an hour ago. These were all set on by the hen, but we'd added 3 eggs from the incubator when she started setting. They were only 1 day earlier, but they started hatching early, weren't supposed to hatch till Monday. My hatcher's temps were unstable, so I figure that's why the hatch was so drawn out. Out of 5 eggs, I had one hatch on Monday, one hatch on Tuesday, two Wednesday, and the last one today.
I will post pics before they go to their mama!!
Congrats shelley! What breeds did you get again?

Sorry to hear about your 1 little one Kelly! But you got some adorable babies in your hatch!

I hope none of mine hatch with problems, I didn't even think about having to cull any if they hatch.
4 of them are black/blue splash dutch mix, and 3 are blue splash/blue splash dutch (
), all from my chickens (2 different hens and one roo). The other is idk what, but my dad stuck it under her from his hen house. It is a mix of RIR,SLW, White leghorn, or Light brahma. It has brown 'racing stripes' down it's back, and it's all yellow besides. I'm thinking it is the light brahma, but idk what else, cause he only has brahma hens!

Ok couldn't resist!! So here we go!! The one on the left is the standard sized chick, and mama has the other 3 black ones!


This is the standard, shortly after it hatched. You can see the sripes real good there.

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