Any Of You Ever lived In A Haunted House?

Lol thanks...yeah sometimes I'm glad to be me, sometimes not

My guardian spirit is Lucas and he's a spiritual guide is a woman. I probably didn't make that clear last night when I was typing it.
I know my house isn't haunted, but why am I the only one that hears very low talking or almost like a tv or radio is on? I go to check and everything is off. When we lay down at night, I always have a hard time going to sleep right away, I think way too much, but in this very quiet time, I will hear a very low muffled sound. I can't tell if it is talking or singing, but I hear it often. I can never pin point where it is coming from. One night just as I was drifting off, I heard a very clear whisper in my ear. I can't remember what it is that it said, but I do remember feeling at ease and not even opening my eyes.

There was one time that I was in and out of sleep waiting for my husband to come home, I opened my eyes and at the end of my bed was a tall, dark, human-like figure standing there. I was so scared that I pulled the blankets over my head and had tears rolling down my face. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and I kept repeating to myself "Please let that be Adam, Please let that be Adam" Sure enough, it was him and he asked me what I was doing. I said " I am hiding" He laughed and asked "From me?" I said no and as he got into bed I looked around and saw nothing.
That was the one and only time I have ever seen anything here, but I still wonder if I was half asleep or if I really saw it. This was about a year ago.

One other time I was in the back yard. Please don't laugh
BUT I was going out after dark to feed the horses and on my way back up the yard, I saw was appeared to be a tall black stick-like figure running along the fence, the top of the fence. It is very dark here at night, no lights at all except the lights coming from in the house. What the heck could that have been? I told DH and he just about dies laughing at the thought of a black stick figure running around on the fences, but i was dead serious!

Here is another funny one...

I was laying in bed one night and heard what sounded like a teeny tiny voice in my ear. It was in the ear that was rested on my pillow. I lifted my head, couldn't hear it, put it down I could hear it again. So I listened closely and couldn't distinguish what it was saying. So finally, a bit freaked out, I turn on the light...............It was a flying ant!!! He was on my pillow and apparently they make teeny tiny noises!
But with that one, I know what I saw..and have never seen it again. Ever since, when I go out at night I get that "someone is right behind me" feeling and I know it is probably just me being paranoid, but I still look for it.
The story about the whispering reminds me of just 2 days ago...

I was up reading until 1.45pm
and decided it was about time to go to sleep. I turned off my light and tried to get some sleep. However, as I was waiting to get to sleep, I heard a whisper of my name, ' Iiiiiaaaiiiinnnn' in a cold raspy sound. It didn't happen again. I was up for another half an hour until I finally fell asleep.

This reminds me also, of about 6 or 7 months ago

I was in bed (yes another story about me trying to get to sleep) and as I was reading, the sound of the door opening (we have those 'farmhouse' type handles)
they make a noise when opening. I glanced over, and the door slowly creaked back to its normal place.

Your other stories are very interesting.
Last night, I felt this pressure on my back (sleep on my stomach). No matter how much I moved, this pressure would just follow me and get more intense. Finally, it became too much. I reached my arm out....and....pushed this furry little body off my back. Told it to find somewhere else to sleep for the night.

Sorry, don't have a ghost story for you
Love hearing about everyone's experiences. Does anyone have pictures. Googled ghost images. They are so fascinating. Keep the stories coming
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In my moms bedroom, in her house, there are ghost spiders... Sounds crazy but I've seen them. She also has a dream catcher hanging over the bed so I don't know if it has anything to do with that. When we visit her me and one of the kids usually sleep in her room... It isn't anything irritating or super scary. Just I have seen them a couple of times hanging over the kid and as soon as I notice, it climbs up the ghost webstring and as soon as it gets close to the ceiling it disappears... There isn't anything (holes, cracks) it can disappear into if it were a real spider. Especially one the size of that one... Smallish body and long lanky legs. Not stocky. good size about a good inch to inch and half.
I wonder what THAT was? Anyone?

It was rude of your husband to laugh. Even if you imagined the thing, he should at least be respectful of your fear.

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