Any one else own a Skunk ?

It sounds like you were at Mt. Hope! Congrats on the skunk.
WolfKim, Mt. Hope is an exotic animal auction. They have about 3 sales every year. You can see everything from camels to snakes there. It's a three day sale and they have three auction rings selling at the same time. the big question isssss........

I need to see her! Not want, I need to see her....LOL

Oh and I have had spiny mice! I don't know if you have had them before but they do tend to eat each others tails! And they breed a lot! I started with 5 and ended up with about 20+ in a matter of months! They are cute and feel pretty neat!
A lovely skunk named 'Agatha' was the BEST pet when our kids were growing up --- such a character -- she lived with us for nearly 12 years and died in her sleep -- we still miss her and she is the 'stuff of legends' in our family --- as in the time she sneaked in and 'stole' the purse of a visiting friend -- took the purse under the sofa and raided it for all gum, mints, etc. -- she examined everything in that purse and this friend was not an 'animal-lover' -- eeek!

Agatha was the most intelligent (and stubborn) of all our pets -- we often said that if the skunks all got together and had a 'plan' they could easily conquer the world!

Agatha slept in a little hammock under our son's bed in the day time -- and was out-and-about at night ---

Be warned -- nothing is 'safe' from a determined skunk!

Have fun with the new little one -- lucky you!
I was just thinking of asking to see pictures of peoples' skunks the other day!

You should know though, there aren't rabies vaccines for skunks, and if ANYTHING happens to you or another human, pet or animal, your local authorities will take your skunk and 'test' it for rabies.

And considering they have to examine the brain to 'check' for rabies, your skunk will be killed. Even if it doesn't have rabies, even if it's never been outside, even if it's never bitten anybody before in it's life.

Authorities can be evil that way...
Yes, the risk of rabies is something to consider -- all of our pets are inside ones and the vet did a complete check-up of our Agatha every year but there is NO way to protect against the 'threat' of rabies --

This is why it is illegal in most states to keep a pet skunk --

I had to sign a 'release form' every time I took Agatha to visit schools --

Ours had a picky prolapse and it required surgery -- luckily we had a vet willing to have her as a regular patient --
the prolapse repair was done with local anesthesia and Agatha was not spayed as the vets were unsure how she'd do with general anesthesia --

as someone else said, pet skunks are very clean but they do have a slightly musky odor -- especially on damp days --

we used scented cat litter and sprinkled baking soda on her sleeping hammock -- our son brushed her daily and used a grooming powder as well so we rarely smelled the 'musk' --

of course, anyone should 'think it through' before getting ANY pet but, especially, an 'exotic' one that requires specialized care --

I always wanted to go to a Skunk Show -- there was never one near us -- but we saw pictures -- just think, a 'Best-In-Show' ribbon for the most beautiful skunk -- :)
I am so jealous. I love skunks. Had two when I was a kid. They are no longer legal here in California. That wouldn't stop me if I could get one, though.

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